Mitt Romney bezhalt 13,6 Prozent Steuern und das als Millionär. Und so einer schreit runter mit den Steuern. An Frechheit nciht zu überbieten. Haben die Amis nru noch solche Blindgänger und Mafiosis als Politiker. Ein Glück gibt es Obama!!
wintrow schrieb:Ein Glück gibt es Obama!!
Ja auf jeden Fall, obwohl Obama für mich nur ein Präsident der guten Vorsätze war/ist.
* Das Weiße Haus musste gegen wachsenden Widerstand von Republikanern und Demokraten gleichermaßen ankämpfen. Der Kongress verweigerte die finanziellen Mittel für die Abwicklung des Lagers und blockierte wegen Sicherheitsbedenken die Verlegung von Guantanamo-Häftlingen in US-Gefängnisse.
“Believe me, Republicans in Congress will be terrified to run with this man for fear they will lose the House and Senate,” Hume said. “They will begin to do what they can to try to defeat him because they fear he can’t win the election and, moreover, he may drag many of them down to defeat with him. He has a lot of work to do to change their minds. I’m not sure he can.”
Read more:
Last Republican Debate Before Florida Primary: Newt Gingrich And Mitt Romney Spar Over Moon ColonyThe Republican debate took a galactic turn last night when Newt Gingrich was asked to explain his idea for establishing a moon colony. Amidst heated debates on healthcare, immigration, the economy, and other hot-button issues, the candidates took time to seriously argue the merits of establishing a US community in space- giving the night’s perceived winner, Mitt Romney, yet another chance to bash Gingrich’s inconsistencies on the campaign trail.
In Florida the polls are moving to Mitt Romney – but nationally his slump continuesThere are many who argue that Palin has a big influence with Tea Party supporters and certainly her interventions so far in this campaign appear to have been successful. [...]
Last week she said that if she had been a South Carolinan she would vote for Gingrich who went on to a big victory. The Gingrich camp is clearly hoping that her Florida move will do the trick again.