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1) A simple sniper bullet into Saddam Hussein's head would fix the problem and save many lives.
2) Since the 1960's, it is absolutely illegal for any American to assassinate a political leader. Stupid law, but that is what we have to deal with today.
3) North Korea has nuclear...
You know, I always loved watching John Wayne cowboy movies. Honesty, Integrity and Courage.
John Wayne
The mere mention of his name produces images of courage and patriotism.
Concepts that may be difficult for you or others to understand.
You are correct, Hussein is a dictator and not a terrorist. However, that dictator has supported the terrorists.
You know, it would be wonderful if a police officer never had to use force on a criminal. In a magic world, a police officer could simply order a criminal to walk into a prison...
I realize that honesty and simple concepts may be difficult for you or other Germans to understand.
That is why it is so funny reading this website. Everyone is looking for some dark and secret reason for America to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.
Afghanistan was told to turn over the Al...
"You are with us, or with the terrorists!"
It is that simple! Nothing more and nothing less.
If a country supports terrorists, then America is going to kick it's ass!
It honestly is that simple!
You are most welcome. I may enjoy debating about the issues, but never forget that I do consider all of you as my friends.
Sie sind das meiste Willkommen. Ich kann über, die Ausgaben zu debattieren genießen, aber vergesse nie, daß ich die ganze Sie für meine Freunde halte.
Iraq promises Germany billions in Orders for anti-war stance
Financial Times Deutschland (via Bloomberg) | Feb 12 2003
Berlin, Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Iraq wants to reward Germany with 2 billion euros ($2.15 billion) in orders this year for its ``fair stance'' in the middle-eastern...
After the events of this week about NATO, can you start a poll?
The US, UK and France are the only countries in NATO who have nuclear weapons. If the US and UK decide to depart as members of NATO, is Europe (Germany) willing to have France as the only nuclear power in the EU?
Think about...
Absolutly, it is all about oil! *snicker*
Of course, nobody ever mentiones that America has over 100 000 military with tanks, aircraft and everything else required already in Kuwait .
It would only take a few hours to capture both the government and all oil fields in Kuwait.
If it is...
Nobody wants a war. If Saddam and his goverment departs into exile, then everybody can go home and sleep safely at night.
The time is very short (2 weeks?) until the war starts.
Niemand wünscht einen Krieg. Wenn Saddam und sein goverment in exile abreist, dann kann jeder nach...
Bend over Shiva2012, after what Germany has done to both America and NATO, you deserve everything heading your way.
If Iraq is so important to France and Germany, why are you not there to defend their country?
Zu verbiegen Sie ÜberShiva2012, nach was Deutschland Amerika und NATO...
Like a little puppy that shits on the floor, I will save your replies about this issue. So, please do not get too upset when I rub your nose in your own shit a few months from now.
Been there, done that. I had a wonderful time after the first Gulf War.
Like I keep telling you, if the goal of America was to obtain oil, we could do it very rapidly.
Obviously, your basic concept is wrong.
It is interesting to listen to how you justify your false concepts. This is very informative to me personally, as a scientist.
Actually, I do care and want to do something about it. We have played your stupid idea and it has been a total failure.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, even when it never works.
This time, America will change things!
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