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[Whoa, very brave to come back after all what happened.
Well, I still have hope for the German people that I learned to love and respect for the past 30 years.
That's the american point of view - support us or the terrorists!
Our point of view is:
support the terrorist, the us or the civilized people in the free world.
Is there anyone left? Your ability to stand up and defend your feelings about humans life...
That's the american point of view - support us or the terrorists!
Our point of view is:
support the terrorist, the us or the civilized people in the free world.
Is there anyone left? Your ability to stand up and defend your feelings about humans life is simply astounding...
I remember the day (9-11) that changed the world.
That force will be used for good or bad, and how it will turn out depends upon each and every one of us.
Do you support the terrorists, or the rest of the civilized people who demand that it be halted?
It is a personal choice....
The first image is from an Islamic calender for 1 Sep 2001. 11 days before the attack upon New York city.
When Japan attacked America on 7 December 1941, a mighty giant was awoken.
Both Japan and German were defeated in a very bloody war as a result.
Did Germany attack Pearl...
Again, if a 16 year old attempt to murder people with a bomb, I have absolutely no problems with him being treated as a terrorist.
I still do not have the facts on this issue, but I see no problem.
Again my friend, why would America hold children in Guatanimo Bay? For what reason?
Define children, and you may have your answer. If anyone is apprehended attempting to kill other humans using terrorist tactics, their age does matters.
But seriously, please support this claim of...
They should be very thankful that I am not in charge. They should have been executed on the spot!
I am extremely angry at the American government for keeping these monsters alive.
However, as a form of poetic justice for their hatred of women, I would have allowed the women of New York...
This is the initiation ritual for the "Skull and Bones" at Yale University.
Those images are a "once in a life time" and save them if you can. Already, I have seen several pictures that have been deleted from the website.
Catch them when you can!
What you do with it is your own...
This website (Weltverschwoerung) loves to explore conspiracies.
When I find something that you may find useful, I will share it with you.
Warning, this is a very graphic intensive website and it will take a long time to download the images...
In the months that I have enjoyed talking with my friends on this website, I have learned many thing.
You have a 98% probability of being wrong!
So, if I am not sure about something, I simply ask my friends on this website. If they are absolutely against a specific subject, then I know...
For 10 years the Soviets fought in Afghanistan and they lost.
It only took the Americans a few months.
Why? Because the Americans gave freedom back to the people of Afghanistan.
Dimbo, you asked some very good questions, and I can only give you this answer:
Pay attention, and each and every one of your questions will be answered.
Will you admit your errors?
Today, the American military has liberated the people of Iraq.
Iraq now belongs to the people of Iraq!
Listen to the people of Iraq in the next few month. They will not be saying nice things about Germany and France.
In the last few months, I have found many new German friends...
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