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    Payback time for America's allies

    Now what was this about? Böse! Angela Merkel schaut als Papp-Figur aus dem Papp-Popo And you wonder why Americans are getting a little upset with Germany?
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    Payback time for America's allies

    Wow, when I talked to my German friends on this website, I have mentioned a personal preference for the American military to depart Germany. Often, I have mentioned Poland and Bulgaria as possible countries where the American military could be deployed. Today, Germany no longer serves any...
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    President Bush Discusses the Future of Iraq (Transcript)

    RULE NUMBER ONE: Do not fight a war against America. If not, then you will loose! RULE NUMBER TWO: If you have lost a war against America, obey the terms of the agreement that ended it. If not, then you will loose! I realize that the people in Germany today may not understand...
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    President Bush Discusses the Future of Iraq (Transcript)

    Oops! We have a Bio Bomb February 26, 2003 -- WASHINGTON - Iraq yesterday claimed it suddenly found a biogerm bomb. U.N. weapons inspectors hailed that as "cooperation," but President Bush said Saddam Hussein is just trying "to fool the world one more time." The United States notes the...
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    New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf

    You know, when I joined the U.S. Army in 1974 and risked my life to defend Germany against the USSR, I did it with full knowledge. Hey, can you and I make a deal? Can American bombers drop any biological, chemical or nuclear weapons that it finds in Iraq over Berlin or Paris? If Iraq...
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    New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf

    Oh God, I am laughing so hard, I wet my pants! Thanks friend.
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    President Bush Discusses the Future of Iraq (Transcript)

    President Bush does tell the world exactly what he will do and then does it! We have had 2 years of historical documentation that does verify that simple fact. For a world that has lived with Mr. Clinton for 8 years, having a President lie and only do things to cover his own political...
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    New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf

    I absolutely agree! Why is America paying millions of dollars each year to Germany to support soldiers that are no longer needed to protect Germany? Perhaps the Iraq issue has forced our two countries to ask some rather important questions.
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    Der Vietnam Krieg begann auch mit einer Lüge....

    I give up. Can you inform this ignorant American about this subject?
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    Der Vietnam Krieg begann auch mit einer Lüge....

    Thanks dear one for the explanation. With my limited ability to read the German language, I had no idea it was under the "aliens" topic. I agree, it should be under the topic of politics. Please understand that I never intend to insult my German friends.
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    Der Vietnam Krieg begann auch mit einer Lüge....

    Yoda, I just reply to the subjects that involve America and Germany. I love the German people and do consider many of the people on this website as friends. When two populations view the same event in different ways, the best way to understand each other, is by sharing our personally...
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    New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf

    Quick question: Every German town has it's own beer. What is the official beer for the town of Meppen? Do you realize that Apple Schnapps is almost impossible to obtain in America? Perhaps one day, I may tell you a funny story about two very drunk American soldiers who drank way too...
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    New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf

    Remember, it is my personal tax money that is being used to support the military in Germany. During the Cold War, when America was defending Germany from the USSR, I was more than willing to risk my own life to protect my friends. Today, there is absolutly no valid military reason for...
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    Der Vietnam Krieg begann auch mit einer Lüge....

    The unification of East and West Germany is a very difficult task. Actually, I totally agree with you and the Bundeswehr is already at maximum capacity. Attacking America and obstructing the liberation of Iraq has been a very stupid thing for Germany to do. France has always been...
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    New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf

    You are absolutly correct! :wink: This is my own personal way of telling the French and Germans: YOU SCREWED UP! If I honestly feel that strongly about this issue, would I not be a liar if I continued to purchase French and German products? Will it actually do anything? NO...
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    Der Vietnam Krieg begann auch mit einer Lüge....

    You are correct. America did the difficult military job of liberating the Afghanistan people. When the military job was completed, the American military should and has been reduced. This is the time when other United Nations countries, such as Germany, need to get involved to help the...
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    New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf

    ROTFLMAO. Are you serious? In the American Revolution for Independence, the English hired Hessian (GERMAN) military troops to fight against the Americans. The majority of the battles during the American Revolutions were against Hessian (German) soldiers! Eventually, France helped the...
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    New York Post ruft zum Deutschland-Boykott auf

    I love the people of Germany. Many people on this website have become my personal friends. I have lived in Germany and risked my life to defend you country. If you have listened to the many things that I have posted on this website, you would realize that I have personal knowledge of many...
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    Der Vietnam Krieg begann auch mit einer Lüge....

    I am not sure what your question was. I could probably locate a transcript of a President Bush speech. Simply tell me the date of the speech and I will try to locate the transcript.