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I fully expect to be attacked for my views. That is why I am willing to be trashed on this website.
Funny, the facts are all behind my side of the argument. That is why I am willing to debate the topid.
True, the primary difference between you and me is rather simple: I use facts and not...
Ok dear friend.
Do you realize how hard I laughed being called a Nigger?
Being a Southern Boy, born and raised in Atlanta Geogia, I fell over laughing. This white boy laughed his ass off being called a Nigger by a German.
Actually, you are the very first person on this website that has asked honest questions. As such, I will take my time to give you the most honest and informed reply that I can.
Let me turn your own questions around:
1) Nazi Germany never attacked the United States. Why did we go to war...
I was at Reyad, Saudi Arabia in 1981 during the first Gulf War. I was the person that notified the commanding General that the Kuwait oil field had been ignited.
I spent 20 years defending both my country and Germany!
Sir, were you still sucking your thumb at that time? Or if old enough...
You are honest with your feelings and I do respect that.
When Germany lost World War I, there were very strict requirements placed upon the contry. In the 1930's, Germany decided to violate that treaty. Europe failed to enforce the treaty, and the rest is history.
Sorry, America is not...
So while Germans think that this is some funny game, Americans and Iraq military people will die!
I spent 20 years in the military and personally know many people who are currently deployed in Kuwait today. This is NOT a joke to me!
When I see people like you, who would piss...
In Texas we have an old saying: You can lead a horse to water, but can not make it drink.
My dear friend, all that I can do is lead you to the water. What you do after that is your own personal choice.
However, once you have been shown the water, you will be held responsible for your...
Dear friend:
So far, your only alternative has been to support a known dictator who has attacked and murdered both his own people and invaded the other countries around him.
How do you sleep at night supporting a monster like this?
Seriously, this sick concept of supporting people who...
I do not know how things will work out with Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is my wish:
Japan and Germany lost a war with America. America did not work for years to destroy these countries like Russia did.
America worked very hard to make Germany and Japan an example of what a country can...
Re: Ist Schröders Haltung in der Irak-Frage noch in Ordnung
According to this biased website poll, 81% of Germans are willing to go to war against America.
This may be funny to watch for about 3 days!
Love, light and laughter;
Oh believe me, I have been watching the "very brave men" of Germany. Pissing and shitting in their diapers and crying like a baby.
The men of Germany are totally impotent today. No wonder German women no longer get pregnant as often.
Giggle, can you demonstrate that I am wrong?
Yes, forced to fight. At any time during the last 12 years, Iraq could simply turn over thier illegal weapons.
My, what a simple idea!
Instead, Iraq has chosen war as their best option. Next month, we will all watch how stupid that choice was.
Yes, forced to fight. At any time during the last 12 years, Iraq could simply turn over thier illegal weapons.
My, what a simple idea!
Instead, Iraq has chosen war as their best option. Next month, we will all watch how stupid that choice was.
This will take some time to download into your computer. It is well worth watching!
When America is forced to fight, I honestly feel sorry for the poor bastards.
Are you a Star Trek Fan??? Ok, think of the Borg now. There center of life is a big black cube. Their purpose is to take other races of people and convert them to Borg. They convert people to Borgs or they are killed. The Borg will do whatever it takes to convert people and will go to the ends...
I have nothing but respect for my German friends. I hope that each and every one of you fully understand that.
I am ashamed that I an unable to reply in your language.
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