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What do I want personally?
I want the people of Iraq to become the West Germany of the Middle East.
Is that too much too ask?
Perhaps it is impossible, but this American will support the concept to his absolute best ability.
You know what?
If you had personally protested when President Clinton bombed Baghdad in 1998, then I would consider what you said as being honest. Did you support the bombing of Serbia?
You did not, and you sacrificed your credibility.
Give me one honest reason why America has not occupied every oil producing nation in the Middle East.
We have enough troops in the area, and it would be funny to watch.
Why does America not do that?
Yes, I am deadly serious. If America was that evil and was going to war only for oil, we could take over 80% of Arabian oil next week.
If, America is that evil, then why have we not done so?
I would also like to point out a rather simple fact:
These are American boys that will be killed in March. Not Germans or French.
Enough said without getting me into more trouble....
America attacking Iraq for oil?
Do you actually realize how stupid that is?
Today, we have 100,000 American military in Kuwait. How man hours woud it take the U.S. to take over their oil?
How many hours would it take for America to take over all of the oil in Saudi Arabia?
Why are...
I provided that video for your educations. War is hell, and America is no longer playing around. America is deadly serious after 9-11.
Learn and listen.
But for each person on this website, I have learned to respect your views.
Yes, you are absolutly correct. If I say things that offend people, it is not my goal.
However, when people lie and are told false information, It is my duty to stand up for the truth.
As I watch the video of Americans jumping out of the WTC building because they had no other options. As I watch the video of Americans going spat when they reached the ground.
No Sir, I have no empathy for the bastards that did this to our American citizens in the World Trade...
Ok, lets start another thread on this topic.
Are you people actually that stupid?
Seriously, I would like to know this answer!
Do you honestly think that America is attacking Iraq for oil?
I saw you guys in Yugoslavia.
Yes, I am one of the very few people that consider our attack upon Serbia a war crime. What we did to Yugoslavia was absolutly wrong.
But this is rather easy to figure out:
Muslim countries are good, Christian countries are bad.
Actually, Socialist...
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