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For those of us that are willing to sacrifice our money, reputations and even our lives to defend what we believe in, perhaps that is something you will never be able to understand.
The majority of the people on this website have become friends to me. I may not think like...
The two most interesting links:
Real Player
Windows Media Player
The rest:
WSVN, Miami [FOX]
Windows Media Player
Personally, I am proud as Hell! I just mailed her family $100.
Last week when she was captured and became a POW, I did post her pictures on this website.
The comments I received were absolutely disgusting.
Thank God, Americans do value life!
'She Was Fighting to the Death'
Details Emerging of W. Va. Soldier's Capture and Rescue
By Susan Schmidt and Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, April 3, 2003; Page A01
Pfc. Jessica Lynch, rescued Tuesday from an Iraqi hospital, fought fiercely and shot several enemy...
If you have other live webcams from Iraq, please post them here.
Turn up the volume and listen to the audio.
Is there a USA-Israel connection?
You are darn right there is. Americans will support and defend our friends, just like we have done with Germany for the last 50 years.
Any questions?
Good answer my friend, and I hope to talk with you at a better time.
False questions: "When are you going to stop beating your wife?"
That implies that I have beaten my wife, but without any factual information to support the original question.
The obvious answer is never! But because...
I honestly can not reply to your false statements. How can I answer false questions with an answer that is supported with facts?
I am in chat for the next few hours, if you would enjoy talking my friend.
Jessica Lynch, shown in this Sept. 2000 photo, is one of several missing soldiers after a supply convoy was ambushed in southern Iraq (news - web sites), her father said Monday, March 24, 2003. Lynch, 19, of Palestine, W.Va., is a supply clerk with the Army's 507th Maintenance Co. (AP...
Believe it or not, that is exactly what I did do tonight.
When the War started, I had to excuse myself for a few minutes to give a prayer for everyone involved.
I respect the military people in Iraq. They are defending their country, just like I am doing for my own.
The soldiers of...
Almighty God, watch over the men and women of the Allied Armed Forces, Protect them from harm and lift their spirits in this time of trial, Grant them the courage to fulfill their missions and the strength to defeat our enemies, Fill them with your mercy for the vanquished and your love for the...
This American is proud and will be in the weltverschwoerung.de IRC chat room all night.
Tonight, many brave Americans will die.
Let us all take a moment to pray.
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