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I was up all night watching FOX News Channel and their live coverage. The reports from downtown Baghdad were available by satellite while it has happening! It was so amazing, that I had to record 8 hours of the live reports it on my VCR.
While the U.S. Army was destroying a statue of...
Question: If you are wrong, can we drop the chemical and biological weapons that will be find in Iraq on Berlin and Paris?
Sir, after 9-11, Americans are no longer willing to take that chance. Can you understand why?
Question: If you know the companies that have sold the chemicals to...
1) You have nothing to be ashamed of. The German military has always been the perfect example of how to do it correctly.
2) If someone in your city was murdering people, and the police had to use "deadly force" to prevent any additional murders. Why do you attack the police for doing...
Actually, this war between America and Iraq was so very well done, that it will be studied for the next 100 years or more.
Seriously, in the last two weeks, the American military has broken all historical records. It is simply amazing to watch!
This reminds me of the brilliant Field...
CaptainFuture: OUTSTANDING!
When you debate with me, I do request to read your source of informations.
I am still laughing, but the
website was a good choice.
Sir, this is what I do desire. I want to know your sources and learn from you.
No, I admit no such thing in any way.
In the next few weeks, you will soon learn that those chemical weapons were provided to Iraq from Russia. You will also learn that the chemicals provided to Iraq for new chemical weapons originated from France and Germany.
After 9-11, America will no...
Simple answer:
America provided Iraq satellite images during their war with Iran.
So do not give me this shit about America supplying weapons to Iraq.
That is ABSOLUTLY FALSE and you knew it!
Close, and I am impressed that you were able to find that information.
God, I am going to enjoy watching France and Germany sqirm in the next few months. We will all learn exactly why France and Germany sacrificed everything to keep America out of Iraq!
However, you failed to...
You have such outstanding knowledge. Can you specify the exact equipment that America supplied to Saddam?
Oh darn, those are Russian tanks and rifles, so that will not work.
Can you specify the equipment that America did provide to Saddam?
What, you do not know?
Can you...
Words do not matter, only results:
YOU are the one that has supported Saddam and his torture, murders and other horrible crimes.
YOU are the one that has protected this monster.
I have NOTHING to be ashamed of.
I simply can not argue, nor will I, with your hatred.
If I told you that the sky was blue, you would tell me that it was green.
The facts are on my side, so we shall see.
Good luck my friend, I hope that hatred does not eat you alive.
My God, if had been listening to live video from MSNBC, an Iraq woman was giving birth to a child in a fox hole.
The American Marines were doing everything possible to help her deliver that baby.
This has everyone watching it live.......
Basic military law: You must be in military uniform to be granted POW status. If not, you are usually executed as a spy.
The people in Guantanamo Bay are still alive...
And your complaint is?
Personally, being able to see Americans on TV as POW was fantastic. Now we know that they are still alive.
If you have watched American TV after that date, you will notice that ALL Iraq POWs are no longer shown on TV.
Even simple things like the licence plate on a truck is blanked out...
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