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20. März 2003
REP. GINGRICH: I don't think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don't think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate. I think we need a national conversation to get to a better Medicare system with more choices for seniors. But there are specific things you can do. [...]

MR. GREGORY: But not what Paul Ryan is suggesting, which is completely changing Medicare.

REP. GINGRICH: I, I think that, I think, I think that that is too big a jump. I think what you want to have is a system where people voluntarily migrate to better outcomes, better solutions, better options, not one where you suddenly impose upon the--I don't want to--I'm against Obamacare, which is imposing radical change, and I would be against a conservative imposing radical change.
Newt Gingrich (R-GA), Meet The Press, NBC, 15.5.2011.

"Let me say on the record, any ad which quotes what I said on Sunday is a falsehood. Because I have said publicly those words were inaccurate and unfortunate."
Newt Gingrich (R-GA), FOX News, 18.5.2011.


20. März 2003
"Wie oft wir abgehört haben, weiß ich nicht. Aber wenn schon ich als kleiner Reporter Zugang hatte...", sagte Hoare in einem Interview und beendete den Satz nicht.
Whistleblower Sean Hoare über die illegalen Aktivitäten von "News of the World".

Zuletzt soll Hoare besorgt gewesen sein, dass jemand von der Regierung komme, um "ihn zu holen". Den Nachbarn habe er gesagt: "Falls jemand nach mir fragt, sagt, dass ich nicht da bin." Das berichtet der "Daily Mirror".,1518,775258,00.html

The officers were advised by a Crown Prosecution Service lawyer — who had since left the CPS — that they had to prove that a voice message had been intercepted before it had been heard by the person receiving it. The Scotland Yard team decided it would be “too resource intensive” to investigate and “hugely ­difficult” to prove, a source said.

The death of Sean Hoare, a former News of the World journalist and whistleblower on the escalating phone-hacking scandal, was "not suspicious" and involved no third party, police said a post-mortem showed Tuesday.

Well, I guess if the guys who are bribed don't think that there is anything suspicious in the death of the guy who blew the whistle on the company providing the bribes... I'm satisfied.
Jon Stewart


20. Dezember 2004
I guess if the guys, who were bribed, don´t think, that there´s anything suspicious in the death of the guy who blew the whistle on the company providing the bribes, I am satisfied


20. März 2003
Nach einer langen Sommerpause hier mal wieder ein paar Zitate - man möge mir verzeihen, dass alle aus Comedy-Sendungen stammen ;) :

When you settle these cases, the person who is injured and receives some money - they are silenced.
But the corporations - they are not, and they put out this message over and over again about how there are all these crazy lawsuits, because they want people to think that the system is broken.
Because if people think the system is broken, then they are willing to reform it or change it, which only gives corporations more money.
Susan Saladoff, Regisseurin von "Hot Coffee", The Colbert Report, 25.10.2011.

Den folgenden Beitrag habe ich vor kurzem schon einmal verlinkt, aber Noelle Nikpour soll in diesem Thread nicht fehlen:
Noelle Nikpour: Scientists are scamming the American people, right and left, for their own financial gain.

Aasif Mandvi: Now, do you have any, uh, i don't want to say "evidence"... not "data"...

Noelle Nikpour: I think every American, if they really thought about it, would have a gut feeling that some of these numbers that the scientists are putting out are not right.

Noelle Nikpour: Scientists are the only people qualified to comment on scientific theories. This is what raises doubts, with not only Republicans, but Americans.

Aasif Mandvi: It's like, why are surgeons the only ones allowed to perform surgeries? And other surgeons are the only ones who get to say wether or not this surgery is necessary or not, right?

Noelle Nikpour: Absolutely.

Aasif Mandvi: It doesn't make any sense.

Noelle Nikpour: It never makes any sense.
Die republikanische Strategin Noelle Nikpour im Interview mit Aasif Mandvi, Daily Show, 26.10.2011.

Und zum Abschluss noch ein sehr kontroverser Kommentar von Bill Maher:
[...] Adderall is the drug of choice these days on campus. Oh, what fun. I don't know what I would enjoy more, the extremely focused parties or the highly detail oriented sex. But here's the thing, when Steve Jobs was young, the drug of choice was acid and Jobs told his biographer that dropping acid as a young man was one of the best things he ever did because when he took it with his girlfriend, the wheat field started playing Bach. Which is pretty unbelievable – a computer nerd had a girlfriend?

Now, maybe there's not a connection between LSD and genius, but it's something no great American ever said about a Kit-Kat bar. If it weren't for acid, you might not have an iPod and you definitely wouldn't have some of the best music in your iPod. [...]

And it's not just anecdotal. In a study from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine last month, scientists found that a single dose of psilocybin, which is the drug in mushrooms, created a quote “long-term positive personality change in most patients.” People improved in the areas of sensitivity, imagination, and broad-minded tolerance of others. In pharmaceutical speak, psilocybin is known as an asshole inhibitor. And couldn’t we use a little more of that? Have you seen a Republican debate lately? If ever there was a group who could stand to take a sensitivity pill and employ broad-minded tolerance of others, it's these people. This nation faces enormous challenges and the biggest idea we've heard from them so far is let's build a fence that electrocutes Mexicans.

Steve Jobs literally learned to think different. [...]
Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, 28.10.2011.


20. März 2003
"President Obama said he wants everybody in America to go to college. What a snob! There are good, decent men and women who go out and work hard every day and put their skills to test that aren’t taught by some liberal college professor trying to indoctrinate them. Oh I understand why he wants you to go to college. He wants to remake you in his image."
Santorum über Obama und Hochschulbildung, 25.02.2012.
Santorum’s misfire on Obama, colleges and religion


20. März 2003
Oklahoma’s proposed anti-abortion Senate Bill 1433 states a fetus “at every stage of development (has) all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of this state.”

In response, pro-choice Oklahoma State Senator Constance Johnson introduced an amendment to the bill that read: “However, any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child.”


20. März 2003
Knowledge-Based Education
We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.
Die texanischen Republikaner in ihrem aktuellen Programm.


13. August 2003
Einmal fragte ein Journalist Albert Einstein nach seinem Erfolgsrezept. Einstein antwortete: A=X+Y+Z, wobei A der Erfolg, X die Neugier und Y die Forscherfreude sei.
Und was ist Z ?, fragte der Journalist.
"Den Mund halten", sagte der.


20. März 2003
"The United States of America is awesome. We are awesome. But we've had this discussion [about torture], we've closed the book on it and we stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are, this administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we're not awesome."
Andrea Tantaros, FOX News.


15. April 2002
Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.
Donald Rumsfeld im Februar 2002 auf einer Pressekonferenz des US-Verteidigungsministeriums


15. April 2002
"Ich weiß nicht, wie die Fifa involviert sein soll." Fifa-Chef Sepp Blatter zu Korruptionsverfahren

Simple Man

4. November 2004
Beinahe noch schöner:

"What is this notion of time? Time is infinite and we slice it up. [...] The time I've spent at FIFA is very short."
~ Sepp Blatter höchst philosophisch in seiner letzten Rede vor der Wiederwahl zum FIFA-Präsidenten ~


15. April 2002
Kaum zu glauben, was vor dem 7. Juni, vor der Wahl des Türkischen Parlaments, für Worte fallen:

Davotoglu bei der Einweihung eines Flughafens im Süden der Türkei:
"Wir haben gesagt, wir geben dem Flughafen Hakkari-Yüksekova einen solchen Namen, der die Kurden, die Türken und die Araber sagen lässt: Ja, das ist unser Führer. Ja, das ist das Symbol unserer Einigkeit. Alle, die behaupten, Jerusalem sei die heilige Stadt der Juden, sollen sich noch einmal dafür schämen. Sie sollen sich schämen! Wir haben den Namen Saladin gewählt, um mit Gottes Hilfe diese Botschaft zu senden: Jerusalem gehört für immer den Kurden, den Türken, den Arabern, den Muslimen!"

"Eroberung heißt Mekka. Eroberung heißt Sultan Saladin, heißt, in Jerusalem wieder die Fahne des Islams wehen zu lassen."

aus: Erdogan schwärmt von der Eroberung Jerusalems

Es lebe Gezi!

Simple Man

4. November 2004
"Ich verzichte gerne auf vermeintliche Freiheitsrechte wenn wir einen Kinderschänder überführen."
~ Reinhold Gall (SPD), Innenminister Baden-Württembergs, hat offenbar weder seinen Benjamin Franklin noch seinen Willy Brandt jemals gelesen ~

"VDS lehne ich entschieden ab - verstößt gg Recht auf Privatheit u Datenschutz. Kein deutsches Gesetz u keine EU-RL!"
~ Heiko Maas, Bundesjustizminister, am 15. Dezember 2014 via Twitter~


20. März 2003
"I don’t have any problem with the Palestinians having a state, but does it need to be within the confines of Israeli territory? Is that necessary, or can you sort of slip that area down into Egypt?"
Ben Carson

"Nobody has been able to sit down with him and have him get one iota of intelligent information about the Middle East."

"We need to have a conference call once a week where his guys roll out the subjects they think will be out there, and we can make him smart."
Duane R. Clarridge, a top adviser to Mr. Carson on terrorism and national security [NY Times]

“Mr. Clarridge has incomplete knowledge of the daily, not weekly briefings, that Dr. Carson receives on important national security matters from former military and State Department officials,” Carson spokesperson Doug Watts said in a statement obtained by CNN. “He is coming to the end of a long career of serving our country. Mr. Clarridge’s input to Dr. Carson is appreciated but he is clearly not one of Dr. Carson’s top advisers.”

“It was Ben Carson’s closest adviser, Armstrong Williams, who recommended that we talk to Mr. Clarridge and described Mr. Clarridge as a ‘mentor’ to Mr. Carson on foreign policy. Mr. Williams also gave us Mr. Clarridge’s phone number. Mr. Clarridge picked up the phone and our reporter, Trip Gabriel, conducted a very straightforward interview with him,” Ryan said. “Mr. Clarridge was the only adviser whose name was given to us by Armstrong Williams.”

He publicly threw his candidate under the bus and wants us all to know it. That's how batshit crazy he thinks Ben Carson is. He's trying to save America. This guy is a patriot.
Larry Wilmore über Duane Clarridge (Nightly Show, 18.11.2015)


20. März 2003
Worst case - Trump or Cruz?

"I guess I accept the emerging conventional wisdom that Trump would probably be slightly more manageable."
Jon Meachem

"They [Republicans] have been getting by for the longest time, as Ted Cruz does, by saying 'I don't work with the Democrats, that's why I'm great' - and they all applaud. And Trump has this ability to come out and tell them that they are fucking idiots. [...] When he invokes [Ronald Reagan], you know, peace and blessings be upon him: 'He made deals! And I'm the dealmaker! Deals are great! I make great deals!'"
Bill Maher

"People believe that he actually is gonna get stuff done. The Republicans in particular see a complete failure of the political class, the puppets. What has happened now is that one of the puppeteers has stepped in, one of the billionaires has stepped in and said 'I'm gonna do it myself!' [...]
What people find appealing, on the other side, about Trump is that they believe he is going to actually do what he says and they are very frustrated that nobody else seems to do what they say. [...] When Trump says it, they believe it."
Alan Grayson (D-Florida)

Alles aus "Real Time With Bill Maher".


20. März 2003
We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.
John Ehrlichman, who served as President Richard Nixon’s domestic policy chief [1994, veröffentlicht 22.03.2016]
The “War on Drugs” was actually a political tool to crush leftist protesters and black people, a former Nixon White House adviser admitted in a decades-old interview published Tuesday.

I have to formally apologize to any conspiracy brother who has ever put forth a conpiracy that I dismissed, including the moon landing at this point, which I just assume was produced by Paramount.
Larry Wilmore, Nightly Show, 24.03.2016

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