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20. März 2003
Tomorrow Glenn Beck's army of zombie retirees are marching on Washington in protest of, well, everything. It's the Million Moron March, although they won't get a million of course, because many will be confused and drive to Washington state -- but they will make news. Because people who take to the streets always do. They're at the town hall screaming at the congressman, we're on the couch screaming at the TV. Especially in this age of electronics and Snuggies, it's a statement to just leave the house. But leave the house we must, because this is our last best shot for a long time to get the sort of serious health care reform that would make the United States the envy of several African nations.
Bill Maher, Real Time With Bill Maher, 11.9.2009


20. März 2003
He believed that those who didn't share his Puritan beliefs would burn in hell for eternity, and he thought that was punishment enough... and so on Earth we could all live together.

If there were more religious fanatics like that nowadays, maybe there would be fewer car bombs.
Sarah Vowell über den Theologen Roger Williams


20. März 2003
GIBBS: No, again, as I said, it's important -- and the Tibetans -- Tibetan people know that our relationship -- our strong relationship with China helps them. So I -- I think this was mutually agreed upon, and it's what's going to happen.

de Nies: How so? How does a strong relationship with China help Tibet?

GIBBS: Our relationship with China, having a strong relationship and a good dialogue with them, allows us to talk to them about the cares and concerns of the Tibetan people.

de Nies: Has the president done that?

GIBBS: I believe we have mentioned human rights in meeting with the Chinese, yes.

Fragen von Yunji de Nies (ABC News) an Robert Gibbs (Pressesprecher im White House) zu Obamas Verschiebung eines Treffens mit dem Dalai Lama.

Und das hier hätte ich fast vergessen:

"Wir wissen, dass Bekkay Harrach zu al-Qaida gehört und für sie spricht, weil er in mehren Filmen das offizielle Logo der Propagandaabteilung der Organisation benutzt hat."
Terrorexperte Guido Steinberg (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik; bald erscheint von ihm "Im Visier von al-Qaida. Deutschland braucht eine Anti-Terror-Strategie").

ZEIT ONLINE: Bekkay Harrach hat in Deutschland studiert, er wurde eingebürgert, er spricht deutsch. Ist er ein typischer Dschihadist deutscher Prägung?
Folgefrage von ZEIT ONLINE.

"Bekkay Harrach ist keine Al-Qaida-Witzfigur"


20. März 2003
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Also müssen wir uns auf eine weitere Abstimmung mit viel Betrug und wenig Wählern einstellen?

Katulis: Wir dürfen uns nicht an das Klischee von den "freien und fairen" Wahlen klammern. Wir müssen nach Standards schauen, die gut genug für die afghanischen Bürger und für die Kandidaten und Parteien sind.

"US-Experte" Brian Katulis über Betrug bei den (Stich-) Wahlen in Afghanistan.,1518,656641,00.html


20. März 2003
Ventura: Everything under one roof.

Hunt: House.

Ventura: One House. So this flies in the face of competition. This is a monopoly.

Hunt: Yes. Oh no. It's not competitive. It's cooperation.

Ventura: That's simple. You really believe that's what their plan is? Do you think they can succeed?

Hunt: Yes.

Ventura: Really? Why?

Hunt: They're smarter than we are.

Voiceover: George Hunt might have a point. [...]

Jesse Ventura und George Hunt diskutieren die Einführung der neuen Weltordnung durch Klimapolitik (Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura 1x03).


20. März 2003
"Ihm fehlt die Demut vor der Macht."
Angeblich ein Zitat von Angela Merkel über den ZDF-Chefredakteur Nikolaus Brender, dessen Vertrag möglicherweise aus politischen Gründen nicht verlängert wurde.

Falls jemand eine seriöse Quelle mit wörtlichem Zitat nachliefern könnte, wäre das nett. Die einzige seriöse Quelle, die ich gerade eben zu dieser Aussage gefunden habe war die taz, in der sich jedoch kein direktes Zitat findet:
Angela Merkel gilt als Drahtzieherin. Brender ist ihr zu unbequem, weil ihm gegenüber der Macht Demut fehle.
Streit um ZDF-Chefredakteur Brender: Die Drahtzieherin im Kanzleramt

Simple Man

4. November 2004
~ Drauzio Varella (Nobelpreisträger für Medizin) ~ schrieb:
"In der heutigen Welt wird fünfmal mehr in Medikamente für die männliche Potenz und Silikon für Frauen investiert als für die Heilung von Alzheimer Patienten. Daraus folgernd haben wir in ein paar Jahren alte Frauen mit großen Titten und alte Männer mit hartem Penis, aber keiner von denen kann sich daran erinnern wozu das gut ist."

~ Wolfgang Reitzler (Chef des Gaskonzerns Linde) ~ schrieb:
"Wenn Sie sich die Kosten für eine Wasserstoff-Infrastruktur für Deutschland zusammenrechnen, kommen Sie auf drei Milliarden Euro. Das versenkt eine Landesbank an einem Vormittag."

~ Bundeswehrgeneral Egon Ramms (Befehlshaber NATO-Kommandozentrale in Brunssum und Chef des Isaf-Einsatzes in Afghanistan) ~ schrieb:
"Die Deutschen handeln in Afghanistan nach dem Motto: Wasch mir den Pelz, aber mach mich nicht nass."


20. März 2003
Heute gibt's eine Sonderausgabe zur US-Gesundheitspolitik:

Ausruf von Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) während einer Health Care- Debatte im Kongress.

"In the heat and emotion of the debate, I exclaimed the phrase 'it's a baby killer' in reference to the agreement reached by the Democratic leadership," Neugebauer's statement reads. "While I remain heartbroken over the passage of this bill and the tragic consequences it will have for the unborn, I deeply regret that my actions were mistakenly interpreted as a direct reference to Congressman Stupak himself. … The timing and tone of my comment last night was inappropriate."
Neugebauer erklärt seinen Ausruf.
Rep. Neugebauer says he shouted 'baby killer' during health debate

"We're about 24 hours from Armageddon."
House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) einen Tag vor der Kongress-Abstimmung.
Debate stirs ugly passions; it's time for civility

"We need to defeat these bastards," he said. "We need to wipe them out. We need to chase them out of town."
"I'll just tell you this, if this passes and it's five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented -- I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica," he said.
In what they bill as an effort to help him out, two Brooklyn residents started a site called "A ticket for Rush" that asks people to donate $1 toward buying Limbaugh a ticket to Costa Rica.
Rush Limbaugh: "America is Hanging by a Thread"

The FBI and local authorities are investigating a severed gas line at the home of Rep. Tom Perriello's brother, the Virginia Democrat said in a statement.
Earlier this week, a conservative activist in Virginia posted what he believed to be the home address of the congressman. But it turned out to be Perriello's brother address.
FBI investigates threats against Democratic House members

When I talk about it's not a time to retreat, it's a time to reload, what I'm talking about -- now, media, try to get this right, okay? That's not inciting violence. What that's doing is trying to inspire people to get involved in their local elections and these upcoming federal elections. It's telling people that their arms are their votes. It's not inciting violence. It's telling people, don't ever let anybody tell you to sit down and shut up, Americans.
Sarah Palin
CNN Convicts Palin and Tea Partiers of ‘Inciting Violence’ and Stoking Racism's Michael Walsh built upon's claim that the threats are "bogus" by warning the media that the Democrats are likely "exaggerating or even lying." According to Walsh, the perpetrators behind the threats are probably "agents provocateurs" of the type that started the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany, and the media should report the story with that "historical context" in mind.
Breitbart's BigJournalism: Democratic "agents provocateurs" likely behind threats against Congressmen

"I don't think, however, it is useful for those in a position of authority to fan the flames and to try and draw attention to these because it simply is going to encourage copycats."
"Der Architekt" Karl Rove rät dem politischen Gegner, die Aktionen gegen Democrats nicht zu beachten.

DOOCY: So, are you ready to join the tea party people?
JACKSON: I am the tea party people. We're beginners at this political activism and it's all new to us and it's kind of cute 'cause we're shy, we hold up our signs like this, you know, despite what they say about us, I have never done anything like this, but we have to because the president is a Communist.
DOOCY: Now, he is not a Communist. But you just pointed out that you hold up signs and stuff like that and people make fun of you. What do you think about how some on the other political side have tried to diminish or, you know, or marginalize the Tea Party people?
JACKSON: Well, I guess they're afraid of the power of our passion and our numbers and, you know, you might not say Communist, but I watch Glenn Beck and he's taught me well. Progressive is the new word for Communist, but it's the same goal as government control of everything and it's very obvious that Obama is trying to do that. And I don't want to brag, but I sort of called it before he was elected and when I was on O'Reilly and I said he was a Communist and I got a lot of hate mail, but I got some that said I was a prescient which means "a prophet."
FOX News ist der Hammer :rofl:
Fox's Doocy learns the hazards of not vetting guest

Conservatives and Republicans today suffered their most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s.

It’s hard to exaggerate the magnitude of the disaster. [...]

So far, I think a lot of conservatives will agree with me. Now comes the hard lesson:

A huge part of the blame for today’s disaster attaches to conservatives and Republicans ourselves.

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

Only, the hardliners overlooked a few key facts: Obama was elected with 53% of the vote, not Clinton’s 42%. The liberal block within the Democratic congressional caucus is bigger and stronger than it was in 1993-94. And of course the Democrats also remember their history, and also remember the consequences of their 1994 failure.

This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none. [...]

We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat.

Simple Man

4. November 2004
~ Peter Ramsauer (Bundesverkehrsminister) über das Flugverbot ~ schrieb:
"Ich bin kein Panikminister! Für mich steht Sicherheit an erster Stelle. Es wäre beinahe zynisch und mit mir politisch nicht machbar, Umsatzeinbrüche gegenzurechnen mit irgendeinem nicht vertretbaren Risiko für Leib und Leben von Passagieren."

~ Sigmar Gabriel (SPD-Vorsitzender) über die Linkspartei ~ schrieb:
"Die wollen alles verstaatlichen, was größer ist als eine Currywurst-Bude."

~ [url= schrieb:
Ehemaliger sauerländischer Pfarrer über Homosexuelle[/url] ~]"Gott liebt zwar alle Menschen, aber eben nicht alle Menschen gleich."


20. März 2003
"I think the environmental impact of this disaster is likely to have been very, very modest." - [BP CEO] Tony Hayward, interview with Sky News television, May 18, 2010

"Extreme deep water drilling is not the preferred choice to meet our country's energy needs, but your protests and lawsuits and lies about onshore and shallow water drilling have locked up safer areas. It's catching up with you. The tragic, unprecedented deep water Gulf oil spill proves it." - Sarah Palin, blaming the Gulf oil spill disaster on "extreme environmentalists," Facebook message, June 2, 2010

"What I don't like from the president's administration is this sort of, 'I'll put my boot heel on the throat of BP. I think that sounds really un-American in his criticism of business. I've heard nothing from BP about not paying for the spill. And I think it's part of this sort of blame-game society in the sense that it's always got to be someone's fault instead of the fact that sometimes accidents happen." - Rand Paul, the conservative Tea Party candidate who won the Republican Senate primary in Kentucky, May 21, 2010

"From time to time there are going to be things that occur that are acts of God that cannot be prevented." - Texas Gov. Rick Perry, May 3, 2010

Alle bisherigen Zitate aus:
Top 10 Dumbest Quotes About the Gulf Oil Spill

The oil giant's official plan for dealing with a potential Deepwater Horizon spill, and its more general plan for any spill in the Gulf, both wildly overestimated its preparedness and seriously lowballed the potential damage, according to an AP analysis. The plan — approved by the Interior Department in 2009 — lists a dead scientist among its wildlife experts and a defunct Japanese home-shopping website among its equipment suppliers.

The blowout preventer is a giant valve that is supposed to be the last line of defense against a damaged well becoming an ecological catastrophe. But for the Deepwater Horizon project, BP chose a model — made by U.S.-based Cameron International — with well-documented design flaws. To make matters worse, according to a congressional investigation, the Deepwater's blowout preventer was in terrible shape: It had a dead battery, debilitating hydraulic-system leaks, and "shutoff shears" that weren't strong enough to seal the well. BP also opted not to install a voluntary $500,000 acoustic shutoff switch that could have sealed the well by remote control in the event the blowout preventer failed, reports the WSJ.

Days before the blowout, BP decided to use a type of single-wall well casing that it knew increased the risk of gas leaks like the one that ultimately caused the deadly fire on the rig, according to The New York Times. Why? To save money.

The company's string of failed attempts to seal or contain the leak — top hat, top kill, junk shot — may, in fact, be intensifying the problem. A flow-rate expert on the government panel looking into the leak rate, Dr. Ira Leifer of the University of California at Santa Barbara, says that both the top kill and containment cap strategies have damaged the well and dramatically increased the amount of oil spurting into the ocean.
Die letzten vier Zitate aus:
BP's 8 dumbest mistakes

In one case, BP engineers decided on April 16 to use just six so-called "centralizers" to stabilize the well before cementing it, instead of 21 as recommended by contractor Halliburton Corp. according to BP internal emails made public by the panel.

In their letter, the lawmakers say that BP's well team leader, John Guide, "raised objections to the use of the additional centralizers" in an April 16 email released by the panel. "It will take 10 hrs to install them...I do not like this," Mr. Guide wrote.
BP Crew Focused on Costs: Congress

The executives, however, struggled to explain to an irate and insistent House of Representatives subcommittee why, as McClatchy Newspapers reported on June 2, their regional response plans for catastrophic Gulf of Mexico spills are nearly identical to the BP plan - a document that's now widely considered inadequate for containing a gush of oil that's now estimated at 35,000 to 60,000 barrels each day.
BP rivals struggle to explain why their response plans look so similar


20. März 2003
Nachtrag zum vor vier-fünf Jahren verstorbenen Dr. Lutz, der als Meeresbiologieexperte in einigen (der teils deckungsgleichen) aktuellen Response-Plänen der Ölindustrie geführt wird. Interview mit Rex Tillerson von ExxonMobil:

REP. MARKEY: In your response plan, Mr. Tillerson, as well as some of the other plans, including ConocoPhillips's, there is a Dr.Lutz who is referred to as an expert, a technical support person. Mr. Lutz died in 2005, four years before the plan was actually filed.

How, Mr. Tillerson, can you justify in your response plan having a person who has been dead for four years? Is that also an embarrassment?

MR. TILLERSON: Well, it is. But let me point out that Dr. Lutz was part of the University of Miami's Marine Mammal Research Division, which has been an important resource for preparation of these plans for years. The fact that Dr. Lutz died in 2005 does not mean his work and the importance of his work died with him. There are many other individuals identified in the plan --

REP. MARKEY: No, I appreciate --

MR. TILLERSON: -- (inaudible) -- more contact. And we admit that we need expertise.

REP. MARKEY: It's 2010.

MR. TILLERSON: Those numbers are all valid that are in the plan.

REP. MARKEY: It's 2010. It just seems to me that when you include Dr. Lutz's phone number in your plan for response, that you have not taken this responsibility seriously.


10. April 2002
Interessant ist doch daß sich gewisse Unternehmen eine Freigabe für die Ölförderung in riskanter Umgebung wie die Tiefsee , anhand diesen aus selbiger Feder enstsprungenen Notfallplänen ergaukelten.

Und das mit Angaben , die den Anschein erwecken lassen , die Ölfirmen könnten größte Ölkatastrophen in den Griff bekommen , was sich ja nun als das Gegenteil erwiesen hat.


20. März 2003
"It's beautiful and horrifying... It's public data, it belongs in the public domain."
"I want people to see the truth, the non-PR version."
" [...] incredible things, awful things that belong in the public domain and not on some server stored in a darkroom in Washington, DC. […]"
"I just couldn't let these things stay inside of the system and inside of my head."
Bradass87 aka Bradley Manning (geb. 1987), Intelligence Analyst im Irak, über die mehr als 92.000 geheimen Militärdokumente u.a. zu Afghanistan, die er an Wikileaks übermittelt hat.

"We strongly condemn the disclosure of classified information by individuals and organisations, which puts the lives of the US and partner service members at risk and threatens our national security. Wikileaks made no effort to contact the US government about these documents, which may contain information that endanger the lives of Americans, our partners, and local populations who co-operate with us."
White House

The recently Wiki-leaked military logs from the war in Afghanistan offer a level of transparency about civilian casualties that countless investigations, several military tactical directives, and hundreds of news reports have not. By not addressing these issues openly earlier and providing a minimum of accountability, ISAF has sabotaged its counterinsurgency strategy, potentially beyond repair.
Erica Gaston, Human rights lawyer based in Kabul

These files bring to light what's been a consistent trend by US and Nato forces: the concealment of civilian casualties. Despite numerous tactical directives ordering transparent investigations when civilians are killed, there have been incidents I've investigated in recent months where this is still not happening.

Accountability is not just something you do when you are caught.
Rachel Reid, Human Rights Watch

Afghanistan war logs: Massive leak of secret files exposes truth of occupation
Despite WikiLeaks Revelations, Congress Votes for War Funding
The story behind the Afghan war-logs leak

Wurde das bisher eigentlich noch nicht im Forum angesprochen? Zumindest habe ich keinen Thread gefunden, obwohl das Thema ja durchaus ein paar interessante Aspekte hat...


20. März 2003
Not being able to distinguish between real racists and tea partiers, or real bigots and Juan Williams or Rick Sanchez, is an insult not only to those people, but to the racists themselves who have put in the exhausting effort it takes to hate. Just as the inability to distinguish terrorists from Muslims makes us less safe, not more.
The press can hold its magnifying glass up to our problems, bring them into focus, illuminating issues — or they can use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire, and then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden unexpected dangerous flaming ant epidemic. If we amplify everything, we hear nothing.
This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith or people of activism, or to look down our noses at the heartland or passionate argument, or to suggest that times are not difficult and we have nothing to fear. They are and we do. But we live now in hard times, not end times. And we can have animus and not be enemies. But unfortuantely one of our main tools in delineating the two broke. The country’s 24-hour politico-pundit-perpetual-panic conflictinator did not cause our problems, but its existence makes solving them that much harder.
Jon Stewart, Rally for Sanity, 30.10.2010


20. März 2003
"You would send a little bit older folks, around 60 or something like that"
Prof. Schulze-Makuch über den Plan, Astronauten ohne Rückflugoption auf den Mars zu schießen...

By not taking the extra fuel and provisions necessary for a return trip to Earth, the mission could cut costs by 80 percent

"What we would need is an eccentric billionaire," Schulze-Makuch said. "There are people who have the money to put this into reality."

Scientists propose one-way trips to Mars


20. März 2003
Hier mal wieder ein paar Zitate aus den USA, heute zur Situation in Ägypten:

We in this country are blessed with an innate genetic subconscious that equates freedom and democracy. [...] I am not sure that everybody in the world is ready for democracy.
George Birnbaum, FOX News, 11.02.2011. Zur Info (ich zumindest kannte diesen Helden nicht):

Democracy, what does that mean? Nothing. Nothing. It depends on who the people are that are voting.
Glenn Beck, FOX News, 14.02.2011.

"What is more important though to American values--being friends with Israel still or knowing there are jailed dissidents and journalists [in Egypt]?" the woman asked.

"What do you mean knowing that there are jailed journalists?" Coulter said. "I think there should be more jailed journalists." This prompted a huge round of applause from the crowd.
Ann Coulter nach ihrer Rede auf der Conservative Political Action Conference 2011.

A recent poll found the Muslim Brotherhood has a 15% aproval rating and in a presidential straw poll they got 1%. [...] But clearly the Muslim Brotherhood is going to seize power in Egypt and make it an enemy of America. Which is great news! We could go back to fighting a country instead of a shadowy network. I mean, Egypt has infrastructure - we could blow up a bridge again!
Stephen Colbert, TCR 15.02.2011.


18. November 2009
"Ich äußere mich nicht zu Dissertationen oder Abiturzeugnissen."

Guido Westerwelle


20. März 2003
If you want an abortion, you go to Planned Parenthood. And that is well over 90 Percent of what Planned Parenthood does.
US Senator Jon Jyl - da es in Wirklichkeit etwa 3 Prozent sind, kam kurze Zeit später das hier:

His remark was not intended as a factual statement, but rather to illustrate that Planned Parenthood [...] does subsidize abortions.
Sen. Jon Kyl's office, 15.4.2011

Das schlägt sogar Sarrazin:

Es ging um die Frage, woher Sarrazins viel zitierte, im Brustton der Faktizität vorgetragene Behauptung eigentlich kommt, dass siebzig Prozent der türkischen und neunzig Prozent der arabischen Bevölkerung Berlins den Staat ablehnten und in großen Teilen weder integrationswillig noch integrationsfähig seien. Sarrazin gab zu, dass er keinerlei Statistiken dazu habe. Er gab zu, dass es solche Statistiken auch gar nicht gibt.

[...] Wenn man aber keine Zahl hat, erklärte Sarrazin dem Reporter weiter, muss »man eine schöpfen, die in die richtige Richtung weist, und wenn sie keiner widerlegen kann, dann setze ich mich mit meiner Schätzung durch«.

Und noch was aus den USA zur Birther-Debatte:

"I have people studying this down in Hawaii and they can't believe what they're finding."
Donald Trump zur Frage, ob Obama in den USA geboren wurde (A Tale of Two Trump Interviews: NBC and CNN).

According to a poll released Friday by Public Policy Polling, Trump is leading the Republican field of presidential hopefuls on the strength of his birther message.
Donald Trump fuels look into president's birth certificate

While Mr. Trump may not return to the network as he pursues his campaign, the New York real estate mogul revealed Friday that he announce whether he will seek the Republican nomination for president during the May 22 broadcast.
Donald Trump and the “Celebrity Apprentice” campaign

"It's not all that reassuring when the least crazy candidate is the Mormon."
Bill Maher, Real Time With Bill Maher, 14.4.2011, über Mitt Romney, der Trump widersprach und sagte, dass er glaube, dass Obama ein amerikanischer Staatsbürger ist.

For the tea party and some other members of the GOP base, a comment like this will only raise more doubts about Romney and build more support for Trump.

Score another point for The Donald. If you think Trump loved himself before he started playing politics, just wait.
Trump becomes the 'new Sarah Palin'

Trump/Bachmann 2012!

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