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20. März 2003
O’REILLY: You know what you can do with all respect? You can combine how I deal with cancer with how I deal with the White House press corps. Because they’re both insidious, invasive. They both have to be wiped out. [...]

O’REILLY: But you can’t go over to CNN. I mean, that’s the devil over there. You can’t. You know. You’re a religious guy. You can’t go into the pagan throne over there.

“During the week of October 22-26, 2007, the nation will be rocked by the biggest conservative campus protest ever – Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, a wake-up call for Americans on 200 university and college campuses. [...] In the face of the greatest danger Americans have ever confronted, the academic left has mobilized to create sympathy for the enemy and to fight anyone who rallies Americans to defend themselves. [...] Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is a national effort to oppose these lies and to rally American students to defend their country.”
A Student’s Guide to Hosting Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week


14. September 2002
dkR schrieb:
Claudia Roth:
Das schlechte Image der politischen Systeme in den meisten islamischen Ländern hat meines Erachtens wenig mit der Religion Islam zu tun. Diese Staaten in Asien, in Nordafrika, dem Mittleren und Nahen Osten sind undemokratische oder scheindemokratische Regimes, die jede Erneuerung des politischen und gesellschaftlichen Systems verhindern, bekämpfen, ja repressiv unterdrücken.


Wenn man dies Zitat so für sich alleine stehen sieht, klingt es befremdlich.
Aber wenn man die ganze Antwort von ihr dort unter dem Link liest, dann finde ich gut, was sie insgesamt geschrieben hat.
Findest du es nicht im Zusammenhang dessen was sie sonst sagt verständlicher ?



10. April 2002
Ich halt eh nicht viel von Frau Roth.

Äh, nein? :wink:
Islamische Staaten sind deswegen islamisch, weil sie auf dem Islam fußen. Das es verschiedene Auslegungen selbigen gibt, hat nichts mit dem Grund, dass es islamische Staaten sind zu tun.


20. März 2003
You know, I've thought for a long time that Obama's not in quite as strong a position on the war in Iraq as he really thinks he is. Remember, when he famously came out against the war, it was back in a time when the entire world believed that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that he would probably be willing to use them himself at some time or pass them along to terrorists who would use them. And yet, Barack Obama was against going to the war at that point. I don't think that shows that he is very strong on national security, which he needs to be.

Das kam von Fred Barnes, Chefredakteur des Weekly Standard im Interview auf...? Richtig, FOX News.

Dazu Obama im Jahr 2002:
I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of Al Qaeda. I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.
Link s.o. (Media Matters)


20. März 2003
"An unbiased assessment of the facts will show that Judge Gonzales, while holding high public office during a time of great peril, worked to help maintain the safety and security of the American people and acted always with the intent and commitment to honor the rule of law."
George J. Terwilliger III. über seinen Mandanten Alberto Gonzales.
Gonzales Hires a Top Gun

"I urge members to oppose the Armenian genocide resolution now being considered by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. We all deeply regret the tragic suffering of the Armenian people that began in 1915. This resolution is not the right response to these historic mass killings, and its passage would do great harm to our relations with a key ally in NATO and in the global war on terror."
GWB 2007

"The Armenians were subjected to a genocidal campaign that defies comprehension and commands all decent people to remember and acknowledge the facts and lessons of an awful crime in a century of bloody crimes against humanity. If elected President, I would ensure that our nation properly recognizes the tragic suffering of the Armenian people."
GWB 2000

FLASHBACK: In 2000, Candidate Bush Called Armenian Massacre A ‘Genocidal Campaign’


21. August 2005
Nette These von Franziska van Almsick bei Kerner 10.10.2007:
"Es gibt Dinge, die kann man essen."

War mir neu... :wink:


20. März 2003
"And I see, when the Democrats are talking about torture, they’re not just talking about even this definition of waterboarding, which again, if you look at the liberal media and you look at the way they describe it, you could say it was torture and you shouldn’t do it. But they talk about sleep deprivation. I mean, on that theory, I’m getting tortured running for president of the United States. That’s plain silly. That’s silly."
Rudy Giuliani, einer der Kandidaten der Republikanischen Partei für das Amt des US-Präsidenten.
In His Words: Giuliani on Torture


25. April 2007
Das menschliche Gehirn ist keine unantastbare Größe mehr.
Wir halten den Schlüssel zur Veränderung des Bewusstseins, zur Erosion des Individuums in der Hand.

Prof. Susan A. Greenfield, geboren 1950, wurde 1996 zur Professorin für Pharmakologie in Oxford berufen. Seit 1998 ist sie Direktorin der Royal Institution und schreibt Bücher über Hirnforschung, erstellt Doku-Serien für die BBC und sitzt, inzwischen zur Baroness geadelt, im House of Lords.


10. April 2002
Was die inneren Angelegenheiten anderer Staaten betrifft, so hat unsere Regierung weder den Russen, noch den Amerikanern und schon gar nicht den Chinesen öffentliche Ratschläge zu geben. Seit wann wissen wir Deutschen denn, was ein Rechtsstaat ist und wie eine Demokratie zu funktionieren hat? Wo kommen wir denn her? Wir kommen von Adolf Nazi her, von Tirpitz, von Ludendorff, von Wilhelm II., von Bismarck. Und jetzt schwingen wir uns plötzlich auf und belehren China, wie es mit den tibetischen Buddhisten umzugehen habe?

Altbundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt im Interview mit dem Spiegel (Ausgabe 44/07)


20. März 2003
Höchste Zeit für ein paar neue Einträge... heute gibt es ausschließlich englischsprachige Zitate mit dem Schwerpunkt US-Vorwahlen:

The point is it’s American casualties. We’ve go to get American’s off the frontlines, have the Iraqis as part of the strategy, take over more and more of the responsibilities, and then I don’t think Americans are concerned if we’re there for one hundred years or a thousand years or ten thousand years.
Sen. John McCain

So, what I believe we can achieve is a reduction in casualties to the point where the Iraqis are doing the fighting and dying, we’re supporting them, and over time then there will be the relation between the two countries.
Sen. John McCain

"Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'let me do the most evil thing I can do today'," said Will. "I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good'. Stuff like that just needs reprogramming."
Will Smith, Reprogrammed

However, if you study Smith's resume, you can see the subliminal underpinnings of a decade-long pro-Scientology campaign. For instance...

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990-1996) -- His character was forced to move to the West Coast. This is in fact a parable for Xenu forcibly moving all the aliens he kidnapped to Earth (which was then called Teegeeack). And Carlton's trippy Tom Jones dance is actually caused by the body thetans.
Scientology in the films of Will Smith

If I were running for office at this point, I’d be saying, ‘Vote for me. I’m gonna be an agent of change.’
George W. Bush

Und noch ein paar Zitate aus der letzten Bill Maher Show:

TAIBBI: And so the theme for a while was the voters were sort of sick and tired of being told by the media who – who was going to be their nominee. But it seems to have come full circle now, and it looks like we might end up getting the same people that they told us we were going to get in the first place, which is sort of a supreme irony, I would think.

MAHER: You mean Hillary and McCain?

TAIBBI: Hillary and McCain.

MAHER: Yeah, isn’t that something?

TAIBBI: Especially, you know, now we have – 70% of the country wants to withdraw from Iraq and we get two pro-war candidates as the – if that doesn’t tell you how fucked up the system is, I don’t know.
Matt Taibbi im Interview mit Bill Maher.

Of course we miss our writers. I love these guys - and I know they’re hurting inside because they would love a crack at the shit that’s going on. This is a ridiculous election. If I hear this word “change” one more time, I’m going to change the channel.
Bill Maher

MAHER: Why John McCain?

MAN #1: He’s a Harry Truman type of person to me. He’s honest. He has character.

MAHER: [overlapping] Really?

MAN #1: And the problems he’s going to face…

MAHER: [overlapping] He just – he just switched his religion. He’s been an Episcopalian all his life, but now he has to run in the South Carolina primary and suddenly he’s a Baptist?

MAN #1: He believes in change.

MAHER: Now, tell me why you’re for John McCain.

MAN #2: Well, I lived in Arizona for a stint, and it seemed like a well-run state.

MAHER: But he didn’t run the state, you realize?

MAN #2: Yeah.

MAHER: He wasn’t the governor.

MAN #2: Yeah.

MAHER: He’s the senator.

MAN #2: Yeah, but he seemed to represent his people well. And I think that because he has a son over in Iraq, I think that he has more of an interest in our interests than in other politicians.

MAHER: But he’s the one who wants the war to continue. He thinks we’re winning.

MAN #2: You can’t agree with a candidate on everything. [laughter] You know, I agree with him more than anybody else.

MAHER: That’s like the big issue of the election! You don’t think the Republicans have shoveled an awful lot of money that could have gone to the middle class, to the very rich who don’t need it?

MAN #2: See, I agree with you on that point. I don’t think—

MAHER: [overlapping] You don’t really agree with McCain on these things, but you’re going to vote for him?

MAN #2: I don’t think that the Republicans are to blame.

MAHER: Who else would you blame?

MAN #2: I blame George Bush.
Interviews in der Bill Maher Show.


10. April 2002
Zurück zu den Vorwahlen -
- ihre Funktion wird deutlich, wenn man sich klar macht, dass es sich um parteiinterne Wettbewerbe handelt. Deswegen stehen sie auch nicht in der Verfassung, denn Parteien sind im amerikanischen System nicht vorgesehen. Die Gründungsväter hielten sie für eine Form von politischem Krebs. Allerdings bieten Parteien, selbst die der schwächlichen amerikanischen Variante, jede Menge Vorteile. Nur George Washington als erster Präsident war parteilos. Inzwischen gelten Parteien als unvermeidbares Übel.

Scot W. Stevenson auf USAerklaert


16. September 2002
Weil heute MLK-Day ist und es so schön zur aktuellen "Rowdy"-Debatte passt:

Martin Luther King schrieb:
Wir werden niemals Frieden in der Welt haben, bevor die Menschen überall anerkennen, daß Mittel und Zweck nicht voneinander zu trennen sind; den die Mittel verkörpern das Ideal im Werden, das Ziel im Entstehen, und schließlich kann man gute Zwecke nicht durch böse Mittel erreichen, weil die Mittel den Samen und der Zweck den Baum darstellen.


20. März 2003
"I think Senator McCain’s statement here yesterday on how he would handle the Iranian program is stronger than the current Bush administration policy. And thank goodness, because the Bush administration policy now lies on the ocean floor. … I didn’t think the policy the administration was pursuing was robust enough."

Der notorische Kriegstrommler John Bolton über John McCain.

“The President behind the scenes has told people for months that he thought McCain would be the nominee. Even during some of those dark periods he still thought he could win. And also that McCain would be the best to carry forth his agenda.”

Mark Halperin auf FOX News.


20. März 2003
"From the beginning, George W. Bush has been frequently ridiculed for his speaking style. Now, seven years later, he's credited with some of the most eloquent speeches delivered by a president"
FOX News, George W. Bush - Fighting To The Finish



10. April 2002
Mr Obama's supporters are, mostly, the liberal version of “values voters”. They are intensely worried about America's past sins and its current woeful image in the world. They regard Mr Obama as a “transformational” leader—a man who can, with one sweep of his hand, wipe away the sins of the Bush years and summon up the best in their country.

Mrs Clinton's supporters, by contrast, are kitchen-table voters. They wear jackets emblazoned with the logos of their unions. They work with their hands or stand on their feet all day. They have seen their living standards stagnate for years, and they are worried about paying their bills rather than saving their political souls.

Obamaworld versus Hillaryland


20. März 2003
" obscure sect of Shi'ites..."
Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat John McCain über die sunnitische al-Qaida.,0,7610528.story

Vor ein paar Wochen hat er schonmal sein 'Wissen' über die Verhältnisse im nahen Osten unter Beweis gestellt:
“We continue to be concerned about Iranian taking Al Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back,’’ Mr. McCain said at the news conference. Asked about that statement, Mr. McCain said: “Well, it’s common knowledge and has been reported in the media that Al Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran. That’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.”

"Alle Welt weiß, dass sich al-Qaida in den Iran begibt, dort trainiert wird und in den Irak zurückkehrt. Das ist allgemein bekannt", sagte der Senator aus Arizona. Nach Einschätzung der USA bildet der Iran schiitische Extremisten aus, nicht aber al-Qaida-Terroristen. Auf skeptische Nachfragen von Journalisten bekräftigte McCain sein Behauptung und betonte, man sei "besorgt", weil die Iraner al-Qaida-Kämpfer beherbergten.

Erst später, nachdem dem ihm begleitenden Senator Joe Lieberman der Lapsus aufgefallen war, entschuldigte sich McCain. Er habe gemeint, der Iran bilde Extremisten aus, keine al-Qaida-Terroristen.

@agentP: Bruce Springsteen endorses Barack Obama

das könnte doch was an der beschriebenen gruppenzuordnung ändern, oder? ^^


20. März 2003
das zuerst aufgeführte, also jüngere zitat könnte man sicher so interpretieren - beim zitat über die verbindung zwischen al-qaida und iran, also dem mit übersetzungen, dem der größte teil des letzten posts gewidmet ist, wirst du mit dieser bemühung allerdings probleme haben. aber das meinst du auch nicht, oder?


14. September 2003
Ich hatte nur gehört, daß er Sunniten mit Schiiten verwechselt hatte, das ganze Ausmaß des Elends war mir nicht bewußt.

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