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Re: Hi Hunble...
... sooner or later you'll come to the conclusion that most of 'em R just a bunch of harmless kooks.
No, I do not consider them harmless. When they support the murder of civilians, support weapons designed to kill millions of people, when they support terrorism directed...
The inspectors in Iraq were supposed to look for NBC-Weapons. If they found some, the USA would start the war.
Absolutly FALSE!
In compliance with the United Nations peace treaty of 1991, Iraq must declare and eliminate all chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, so that they may be...
Reply to Trasher
Trasher, you mentioned some rather interesting point and I apologize for taking so long in replying.
1) Can you explain to us, for what what peaceful purpose will Iraq use these biological, chemical and nuclear weapons for?
2) Can...
you have to push the "zitat"-button located in the upper right corner of a comment to quote somebody.
Let me give this a test....
Actually, the innocent German people have been the historical victums of terrorism. When a Disco in Berlin was bombed, America had enough and did something...
We know exactly where the WMD stuff is being hidden.
Iraq has one final chance to come clean, and we are bending backward to give them that chance.
Today, we have the United Nation inspectors in Iraq, and their one and only job is to verify the location of the Nuclear, Biological and...
Until someone can tell the which buttons to push, I will use the "Antwort erstellea" button.
Those are outstanding questions that you asked.
After America was attacked last year, I must place my trust in President Bush. He and the others that work with him know much more that...
I can only understand English, so even identifying which button to push on this website is a challenge to me.
However, I would love to talk with other Germans about this current situation,
Under normal conditions, I would absolutly agree with you.
When people are trying their absolute best to kill me and my family, then then situation changes a little.
Please excuse me, I lived in Germany for for years, but have not been in the country since 1981. My German language skills...
It is easy to listen to Germans bitching about the United States and how it is trying to it's best to keep the world safe.
Bitching is easy, but doing something about it is much harder.
I am open for new ideas on how to deal with the Islamic problem. Nuclear Weapons in North Korea, and...
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