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Actually no, I used the correct term. Most people understand that Communism was a horrible disaster and resulted in millions of deaths around the world.
Today, people are using the term Socialism to present a better face upon the same failed ideas. Today, the only reason...
If this is my last visit will depend upon the other answers.
I absolutly love the German people and am German myself. My daughter was born in Neurnberg.
What I will not allow to happen to the Germans that I love so very much, is to have them lied to for political reasons.
If you have...
No Sir, for people like me who have been personally involved in world events since 1974 when I joined the Army. it is not a matter of propaganda.
I was there and personally experienced many of these events. My views are based upon things that I have personally witnessed.
I did not join...
Did any of you guys realize this interesting coincidence:
Around the middle of december, we find out that the Pentagon may try to influence public opinion in Germany with undercover propaganda-actions.
And only two weeks later, this Hunble-character appears on our forum, inviting us to...
Die Germans, die.
I am sick an tired of protecting people that attack my country.
If you have a better idea, then get off your ass and do something.
I frankly give up. This is your life and family, and I no longer care.
Seriously, I no longer care what happens to the German people.
I agree, personal insults are not allowed and I should not have said that.
Please understand that I have been personally involved with many of subjects that you consider as only history.
My wife's father entered Europe on D-Day and he knew all about fighting the Germans. He died last...
"In crucial hours, the success of our cause will depend upon you. As members of our military, you serve this nation's ideals and you demonstrate those ideals in your code and in your character. As Commander-in-Chief, I have come to know the men and women who wear America's uniform. I have seen...
You bloody idiot, we Americans are doing everything in our power to keep YOU safe and free from terrorism.
Instead of understanding and supporting our efforts to keep you and your family alive, we are attacked for political reasons.
I honestly do not know how to answer your questions...
I am the son of a person that was in charge of the Immunization program at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta Georgia.
My father grew up very poor as a child, but was able to achieve from hard work in his life. As his son, he demanded that I do the same as him.
In 1973, I...
Why does America need means of biological warfare? Or do the guys at ARMORIED in Fort De just get paid for nothing?
Outstanding question!
Of all the American Army bases, Ft De is the one I have never personally visited.
My father was the director of Immunization at the Center for...
Re: Reply to Trasher
Trasher, history is not supporting your statements.
It has been interesting to watch you twist words in a pitiful effort to support your political views.
Are you actually implying that people like Wernher von Braun were responsible for the horrors of WWII?
Who do you think supported afghanistan with weapons, hm?
America, and we kicked some Russian butt!
To the Russians, that was their Vietnam and they suffered through 10 years of war. With Vietnam, America had to suffer from Russian support and we were never allowed to...
Re: Reply to Trasher
I can´t share this view. The US-Government works after the principles of economics od John Maynard Keyne, wich says tha the government hve to fill out the lack of demand with theit money. And the money always flows in weapons to defend the freedom. The government an their...
Re: Reply to Trasher
I can give you a very simple answer as to why the United States has Chemical Weapons:
During WWII, as America was at war with Germany, we developed Nerve Gas bombs. The official classification of that Nerve Gas is VX, which is an abbreviation for some German words. VX...
April 14, 1986: In retaliation for the bombing of a West Berlin night club where a U.S. serviceman was killed, U.S. Air Force & Navy bombers hit Tripoli and Benghazi in Libya.
Get out your history books please!
Perhaps you were just a child at the time, but people like myself were very...
A personal observation:
While we were moving those Nerve Gas weapons, I would report to work in the morning. There were dead birds on the steps and I had to kick them off as I entered the building. This was no joke and those weapons had become very dangerous.
My job was to monitor the...
In 1980, I was personally involved with the movement of Nerve Gas weapons from Colorado to Utah. Those Nerve Gas weapons were created during WWII and had become a danger to the American population because of corrosion of the metal.
We were moving these Nerve Gas (VX) weapons to Utah for...
Re: Reply to Trasher
Trasher, I have provided you with enough information, that even you can verify that Iraq has mustard gas. If you do not trust my sources, then please ask the United Nations, since this is a factual report.
Once again, can you explain to us what peaceful purpose Iraq...
Re: Reply to Trasher
Trasher, I want to thank you for your replies.
I deal with facts and you asked why I thought Iraq had Mustard Gas.
Hopefully, your views are a tiny minority of the German public.
December 5, 2002 -- U.N. weapons inspectors found mustard gas...
My personal religion is Wicca (Witch) even if that may invoke some ignorant feelings for those who are very Christian. Actually, I am Christian myself, but there is much more to learn also.
Christians are terrified about dying, but also believe in a wonderful life after death. Why is this...
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