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North Korea would be a nuclear war.
For the people who ask why America is not attacking North Korea instead of Iraq, I have a very simple question:
What day and hour would you like America to win a war with North Korea?
On Iraq:
Iraq has been told in no uncertain...
How do I say this kindly:
I personally know hundreds of people in the military.
I ran for government office this year.
I have a rather large family, even if I do not want to admit that I am a grandfather.
I have worked with many companies and have known many people.
Some of you...
You are absolutely correct and thank-you for remembering that. I have nothing but respect for most of the people on this website. Our views may be different, but by talking, perhaps we may learn to understand each other.
I am not some horrible monster. I spent 4 years risking my life in...
A member of this website visited www.freerepublic.com and attacked Americans. Many members of freerepublic enjoy an honest debate on subjects and I was ashamed that his comments were deleted.
I sent him a personal e-mail expressing my feelings about his comments being removed. He then...
First off, The United States has never been a Democracy and never will be. The United States is a Republic.
When the United States was being created, the people involved studies all governments to include the Greeks and Romans. They understood that Democracy often results in mob rule and...
My, such an outstanding display of historical understanding of international laws.
When America was attacked on 9-11, Article 5 of the NATO charter was invokes when member nations voted and approved the resolution withing a fews days.
In other words, when the member nations of NATO...
Well honey, what have you done today to help the people of Iraq? Have you supported the government that has made nothing but slaves, of the people of Iraq?
Perhaps I have not asked the correct questions lately. By what method do you think America will liberate Iraq?
Do you honestly...
On this issue we are in full agreement. The U.S. military should be removed from England and Germany and deployed to other areas that are more important in today's world.
Half should be stationed in Bulgaria and the other half in Poland.
Ok, which one of us should post the actual United Nations and NATO charters?
It would be interesting to actually read the exact words as we talk about this subject.
As I see it, France and Germany are in violation of both of those charters.
If possible, could you post the exact words of...
First off, I never use the Nazi stuff against the German people. I have lived in the country and absolutely know that aspect is no longer part of the German mentality. If you thought I implied that, then I absolutely apologize since I know better.
On the subject of the French Revolution...
1) During the Gulf War in 1991, Americans did want to liberate the people of Iraq. The United Nations only authorized removing the Iraq military from Kuwait, and once that goal was achieved, the war ended. To continue moving into Iraq in 1991 would have been in violation of the United...
I was a member of the U.S. Army during these years and personally knew several of the people who were killed in the failed rescue attempt.
This is not something out of a history book to me, but is still very personal.
As a direct result of America's failure to respond to Iran's hostile...
The United States and all NATO countries are currently in a state of war. The laws and rules change when countries are at war, for very obvious reasons.
When Islamic terrorists declared war upon America, they also declared war upon my wife and me personally. They have declared...
To my knowledge, the only America who has been arrested and convicted under the Patriot Act is John Walker, who was apprehended in Afghanistan while fighting against Americans.
Perhaps one other person has been arrested under the Patriot Act who has very close ties with the 9-11 terrorist...
America will only attack the people who currently hold political power in Iraq and are responsible for crimes against Iraq's own people. If the people who follow Saddam Hussein surrender, the liberation will be completed in a matter of hours with no deaths.
Sure, no weapon is absolutely...
Whats about the Patriot act? Freedom for citizens who are against Bush?
What about the Patriot Act? America has been in a state of war after the 9-11 attack. NATO is also in a state of war when Article V of the NATO charter was invoked.
There are over 270 million citizens living in...
Americans are watching the actions of Germany and France very closely.
After the liberation of Iraq, the people of the country will have their natural freedoms, such as life and liberty restored to them. No longer will they live each day in absolute fear of torture.
Within a very short...
Yes, I have answered all of your questions, to the best of my ability.
By the way, I do enjoy debating with you. If you ask an honest question, then I will do my absolute best to answer it.
Still curious as to why you asked for the specific words of my oath when I joined the Army.
Trasher, your question still has me rather upset. Why would you ask me what my Oath was when I joined the Army?
Are you playing some sick type of game, that President Bush is in violation of the Constitution?
I have heard that argument recently, so let me correct that stupidity very...
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