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    Space Shuttle explodiert

    Shuttle Debris Rains on Texas, Blackens Earth / STS-107 Yahoo News ^ | 2/1/03 | Jon Herskovitz - Reuters Posted on 02/01/2003 2:51 PM CST by NormsRevenge RICE, Texas (Reuters) - Debris from space shuttle Columbia rained down onto fields and highways in Texas on Saturday, with...
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    Space Shuttle explodiert

  3. H

    Space Shuttle explodiert

    If you, or others would to talk with me in private, then I will be more than happy to reply to your email. Contact me at --------------------- Wenn Sie oder andere mit mir in privatem sprechen würden, dann bin ich mehr als glücklich, auf Ihr email zu antworten. Treten Sie...
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    Space Shuttle explodiert

    Sie sind, ich aufpassen viele Nachrichten Quellen korrekt, da dieser Fall heute geschieht. Während jedes Einzelteil aus den Grund ist, zeigen die Fernsehapparat Stationen Phasenbilder von ihnen. Was mich absolut überrascht, ist, wieviele sind gefunden worden, um Körperteile zu umfassen...
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    Space Shuttle explodiert

    Ich kann Englisch nur sprechen und muß auf bablefish bauen, um zu übersetzen. Wie Sie von dieser Antwort sehen können, erledigt bablefish eine ziemlich schlechte Arbeit an der Übersetzung. Als Amerikaner, der Deutschland liebt, bin ich interessiert an, wie Sie an gegenwärtige Fälle denken. Ich...
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    Space Shuttle explodiert

    You people are sick! Each and every Space Shuttle mission is extremely dangerous. In the 14 years that I worked at White Sands Missile Range, I have personally seen many rockets explode. What is amazing, is how few problems the American Space Program has had over the years. Obviously, it...
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    Short History of Modern Germany

    I want to come to the chat. How?
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    Short History of Modern Germany

    Well, first thing is for MEN to act like MEN instead of WOMEN. I offer you my sincere apologies, but for obvious reasons, this is rather emotional with me. What I just posted was wrong and if you thought that I was attacking you personally, then I am very sorry about that. I would love...
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    Short History of Modern Germany

    Good, I am happy that you are not worried about it. Personally, my father was the director of this organization until he retired 11 years ago. It scares the hell out of me! But you are absolutly correct. I am just a stupid (and at the age...
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    Short History of Modern Germany

    Question: Do the German hospitals have the Smallpox vaccinations ready for the population? Who cares, the Germans think this is just a funny game. ROTFLMAO Personally, I received my 4th booster Smallpox vaccination 2 weeks ago. Even if you have had the vaccination years ago, it is...
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    Short History of Modern USA

    You have earned my respect tonight friend, in ways that you may not realize. Send me a private message and I will reply with my personal e-mail address. I have no idea how long I will be permitted to remain on this website before I get banned. Obviously, my views of the world are not...
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    Short History of Modern USA

    If you want to know why I love this website so much, try reading everything using Babelfish some time. If that does not get you laughing, nothing will. Thank you for the "Short History of Modern USA". Fair is fair, and that was an outstanding reply.
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    Short History of Modern USA

    I had to use babelfish to translate this into English. Outstanding! I was laughing so hard, that I had to print it out and share it with my wife. Thanks my friend.
  14. H

    Warum will das Bush-Regime Krieg gegen Irak?

    We have invited a German armored division to be the first into the country, prior to our air campaign. We think they will then have ample opportunity to witness the proof of WMD they are demanding, up close and personal.
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    Short History of Modern Germany

    I enjoy this website and do not wish to offend anyone. If I say something that gets you upset, please send me a private message. As an American, I will defend the actions of my country when they are wise. I may joke with my German friends, so please understand that it is only done out of...
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    Warum will das Bush-Regime Krieg gegen Irak?

    Americans has been attacked and we are at war. Perhaps Germany thinks this is some kind of joke, but the U.S. is no longer playing. Perhaps Germans think that Smallpox or other biological weapons are absolutly funny. My wife is a nurse at our local hospital. She was vaccinated for the...
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    Rumsfeld:Deutschland und Frankreich sind ein Problem

    Streicher: I did not reply to your research since I simply did not know how to respond: 2 companies are from Sweden - 3 from Spain - 7 from Belgium - 3 from The Netherlands - 5 from Japan - 6 from Russia/former Sovjetunion - 17 (!) from Great Britain - 7 from France - 3...
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    Rumsfeld:Deutschland und Frankreich sind ein Problem

    You know, perhaps you have me absolutely stumped..... Perhaps the Soviet Union had something to do with America creating so many nuclear weapons? Darn, who would ever think that? When Presidents George Bush and Vladimir Putin met at the ranch in Texas, they declared that keeping weapons...
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    Rumsfeld:Deutschland und Frankreich sind ein Problem

    Yes, the policy of FreeRepublic lately to kick people out is not something I support. As a member of that website, I have been kicked out at least 4 times over the last 5 years that I have been a member. Yes, sometimes even I have to wonder why. Heck, once I was banned not for anything I...