Aber naja. Hier zum gucken:
Cool. Ich kenne noch so eine Seite:
Aber naja. Hier zum gucken:
http://weaselzippers.us/2013/04/23/hey-info-wars-crazies-enough-already/Crazy Info Wars types and their new junior partners at #FreeJahar are fond of showing the above cropped picture of the bombing, along with other pictures with very authoritative red circles drawn around people with bags.
They have gone so far as to say this is a plot by the organization Craft International which was founded by Chris Kyle, the deceased former Navy Seal because of the alleged insignia on the hats of the military types mentioned in the picture above.
These men supposedly dropped their bags with the bombs in them.
So then why can one see them here in this non-cropped picture with their backpacks AFTER the blast?
Under the tutelage of a friend known to the Tsarnaev family only as Misha, Tamerlan gave up boxing and stopped studying music, his family said. He began opposing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He turned to websites and literature claiming that the CIA was behind the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and Jews controlled the world.
You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force . . . the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.
„Der Weg des Terrors wurde von getarnt agierenden Personen verfolgt, die zum Sicherheitsapparat gehörten, oder die durch Weisung oder Zusammenarbeit mit dem Staatsapparat verbunden waren. Jede einzelne der Gewalttaten nach 1969 passte genau in ein einheitliches, organisiertes Schema... Die Avanguardia Nazionale wurde ebenso wie der Ordine Nuovo für einen Kampf mobilisiert, der Teil einer antikommunistischen Strategie war. Diese entstammte nicht etwa staatsfernen Institutionen, sondern dem Staatsapparat selbst, spezifisch dem Bereich der Verbindungen des Staats zur NATO.”
Bei der fieberhaften Suche nach den Bombenlegern von Boston haben sich übereifrige Netzbewohner nicht gerade mit Ruhm bekleckert. Aber auch die etablierten Medienbetriebe haben ihre Lektion aus dem Fall zu lernen.
Speaking as an investigative reporter with almost 40 years’s experience, I can say that when government officials won’t talk, they’re generally hiding something embarrassing or worse.
shechinah schrieb:Niemand will offensichtlich über die Rolle von Craft sprechen:
@hives, das hatten wir oben schon abgehakt, die Typen sind vom CST, der Geigerzähler hat's verraten.
http://communities.washingtontimes....al-guard-forced-stand-down-law-enforcement-b/CST WMD troops on duty at Boston Marathon at the time of the explosion:
Massachusetts Army NG: Unknown
Rhode Island Army NG: 2 (source: Commander Meriwether)
New York Army NG: 5 (source: Staten Island Advance)
http://ftp.dailypaul.com/282579/ide...haki-uniforms-at-the-boston-marathon-bombingsSo it would appear that the CST team on duty during the explosion was the Massachusetts Army National Guard's 1st Civil Support Team, augmented by New York's 24th CST and Rhode Island's 13th CST. [...]
As to why one of them were seen wearing Craft apparel, Craft International provides training programs to police and military, and it is likely that the whole team received training from Craft and received the apparel from them, or maybe just the individual did, or maybe it's even simpler than that, perhaps the man wearing the hat simply likes the hat and purchased it from Craft.
After reviewing the phone records of the suspects Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev, Chief of the House Homeland Security Committee, Michael McCaul said he believed that the accused could not have carried out the crime alone and that the brothers had special training, considering the “level of sophistication” of a pressure-cooker bomb used in Boston attack.
Autor | Titel | Forum | Antworten | Datum |
P | Boston Tea Party Freimauererwerk ? | Lobbygruppen und geheime Seilschaften | 36 |