Erich von Däniken - Die Götter waren Astronauten und
Selim Özdogan - Ein gutes Leben ist die beste Rache
Selim Özdogan - Ein gutes Leben ist die beste Rache
EVO schrieb:Muss denn jedes Buch unbedingt Sexszenen enthalten?
Das klingt, als ob ich es mal lesen müsst...Selim Özdogan - Ein gutes Leben ist die beste Rache
Matters of Confidentiality
The Soul's Secret
The known existence of a Secret
The secret books of the Essenes
What was so special about the Bible?
The Bible of ancient Egypt
The Pyramid and the Bible
The importance of the Torah
The Mystery Schools; Keepers of the secret knowledge
The House of the Panthers
Initiation processes
It all started in Egypt
The secret operations of God
The Pyramid connection
Candidates 'buried' alive
Great women initiates
The decline of the Mystery Schools
The 'Golden Age'
Humans, Gods and the dead'
The Gods of Egypt
An anomaly in the Book of Genesis
Humans, but not human
A description of the gods
Giants on Earth
The Line of the Mortal race
Three gods in one
Egyptian 'Magicians'
Summary of the gods
Bible written specifically to preserve the Secret
What was really on Mt Sinai?
The books of Moses unhistorical
The author of the Torah
They found a mysterious old book
How the Torah came into being
Where are the missing books of the Bible
Why Jesus stole the Torah
Egyptian Mystery secrets ciphered into New Testament
Concealing special messages
What the Mystery Schools knew about Jesus
Jesus in the Shakespearean Plays
Solving the riddle of Solomon's Temple
The lost history of the Pyramids
The Pyramid Builders
The missing pyramid
The discovery of curious objects
Other pyramids
Ancient descriptions of the Great Pyramid
Symbols once carved on Great Pyramid
Multi-coloured pyramids
The destruction of extraordinary structures
Strange construction processes at Giza
Just what is the Great Pyramid?
Inside the Sphinx
The head of the Sphinx
Two Babylons
Under the sands of Giza
Headline news
Official denials
Ever burning lamps
The golden Book of Thoth
The house of the Alexandrian librarian
The Bible of the Gypsies
The coded Psalm
Numbers begin at one and are made perfect at three'
The Gypsy Secret
The Divine Scale
Identifying secret locations at Giza
That celestial object
The Great Pyramid Robbery
Pharaohs retrieved capstone
An intriguing little mystery
Where is the Benben today?
The letters of Light
The Serpent God at Giza
The invisible many-coloured bird
Dazzling colours and their importance
Application of the pyramid colours
Strange forces operating in the Great Pyramid
Inside the Benben
Australian Aborigines knew the Secret
The only Holy Book
The road to Heaven
The meeting with God
The mystery book of the New Testament
An ecstatic death
Was the future predicted in the Bible?
The secret of the Secret
Death had forgotten them
The Secret in the Tarot Cards
The Holy Grail of Eternal Life
Tyler-Durden schrieb:Zur Zeit lese ich "Drei" von Stephen King.
Ich bin ja eigentlich immer gegen Stephen King gewesen weil er bisher einfach nur langweilig war aber "Schwarz" und "Drei" haben meine Meinung von ihm wirklich verändert. Ich hätte ihm ehrlich gesagt niemals zugetraut so etwas geniales zu schreiben.
Ausserdem lese ich noch "Fight Club" von Chuck Palahniuk. An diesen Schriftsteller wird kein anderer ran kommen, niemals. Der Stil ist zwiespältig aber direkt und schonungslos auf den Punkt, ohne langes und überflüssiges drum herum !![]()
Nö, klär mich bitte aufAgarthe schrieb:3. Aber: 600 Seiten und keine....ach, ihr wisst schon....![]()
Tyler-Durden schrieb:Flug 2039
THG schrieb:factotum von bukowski