Warum Al Qua`ida eine Gefahr für alle Menschen ist


25. Oktober 2004
ich lese hier aus so vielen postings, dass 9/11 eine kick-back aus der rücksichtslosen und imperialistischen politik amerikas und der bedingungslosen unterstützung israels wäre. und, dass wenn bush nicht an der macht wäre und den irak und afghanistan nicht angegriffen hätte, alles anders gekommen wäre. dazu immer mehr kommentare von realitätsverweigerern, die ernsthaft fragen, warum man saddam hussein hätte entfernen sollen.

ich möchte mal ein ein paar informationen weitereichen, die Suleiman Abu Gheith, der Al Qua`ida sprecher zum besten gegeben hat. vielleicht kapieren dann einige der verblendeten ideologen und anti-amerikaner, dass Al Qua`ida eine gefahr für alle freien menschen und nicht moslems ist und nicht nur für amerika oder deren unterstützer im irak-krieg. das gefährliche an der sehr intelligent gestrickten propaganda von aq ist, dass wahrheiten mit der ideologie von aq gemischt werden, so dass selbst intelligente menschen nicht erkennen, dass sie manipuliert werden. ich hoffe, dass ihr alle des englischen mächtig seid.

'Why We Fight America': Al-Qa'ida Spokesman Explains September 11 and Declares Intentions to Kill 4 Million Americans with Weapons of Mass Destruction

Al-Qa'ida spokesman Suleiman Abu Gheith, originally from Kuwait, recently posted a three-part article titled "In the Shadow of the Lances" on the website of the Center for Islamic Research and Studies, www.alneda.com. Following numerous hacking attempts after the international media reported that the site was linked to Al-Qa'ida, its address was changed to

Recently, the site published an article by Ayman Al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's deputy and leader of the Egyptian Jihad organization. However, the Saudi London-based Arabic-daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported that the article had already appeared in the Al-Mujahiddeen publication.[1] The following are excerpts from Abu Gheith's article:

Part I: Why We Fight the U.S.
"…Perhaps the [Islamic] nation is waiting for one Al-Qa'ida man to come out and clear up the many questions that accompany any communiqué, message, or picture [concerning September 11], to know the truth, the motives, and the goals behind the conflict with the Hubal [one of the pre-Islamic Ka'ba idols - referring to the U.S.] of our generation…"

"Why is the world surprised?! Why were millions of people astounded by what happened to America on September 11? Did the world think that anything else would happen? That something less than this would happen?!"

"What happened to America is something natural, an expected event for a country that uses terror, arrogant policy, and suppression against the nations and the peoples, and imposes a single method, thought, and way of life, as if the people of the entire world are clerks in its government offices and employed by its commercial companies and institutions."

"Anyone who was surprised, and did not expect [the events of September 11] did not [understand] the nature of man, and the effects of oppression and tyranny on man's emotions and feelings. They thought that oppression begets surrender, that repression begets silence, that tyranny only leaves humiliation. Perhaps they also thought that this [oppressive] atmosphere is sufficient to kill man's virility, shatter his will, and uproot his honor. These people erred twice: once when they ignored [the consequences of] treating man with contempt, and again when they were unaware of man's ability to triumph."

"This goes for every man - let alone when the man in question is of those who believe in Allah, in Islam as a religion, and in Muhammad as Prophet and Messenger, and anyone who knows that his religion is unwilling to allow him to be inferior and refuses to allow him to be humiliated."

The Entire Earth Must Be Subjected to Islam
"How can [he] possibly [accept humiliation and inferiority] when he knows that his nation was created to stand at the center of leadership, at the center of hegemony and rule, at the center of ability and sacrifice? How can [he] possibly [accept humiliation and inferiority] when he knows that the [divine] rule is that the entire earth must be subject to the religion of Allah - not to the East, not to the West - to no ideology and to no path except for the path of Allah?…"

"As long as this Muslim knows and believes in these facts, he will not - even for a single moment - stop striving to achieve it, even if it costs him his soul… his time, his property, and his son, as it is said, 'Say [to the believers]: If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your wives and your kinsfolk and the worth you have acquired and the trade, the dullness of which you apprehend, and the dwellings that you fancy are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving in His cause, then wait until Allah issues His judgment. Allah guides not the disobedient people…'" [2]

Part II: The Blow Against the U.S. Will Come from Where Least Expected

"…The [premises] on which we base ourselves as an organization, and on which we base our operations and our method of action, are practical and realistic… They are also scientific and [in accordance with] Islamic religious law, and they give us confidence and certainty… In writing them and in [publicly] revealing them, I do not intend to be apologetic for what was done; I lay [these arguments] before you so as to emphasize that we are continuing with our blows against the Americans and the Jews, and with attacking them, both people and installations [so as to stress] that what awaits the Americans will not, Allah willing, be less than what has already happened to them. America must prepare itself; it must go on maximum alert; … because, Allah willing, the blow will come from where they least expect it…"

"America is the head of heresy in our modern world, and it leads an infidel democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the way of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels the other countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the same ways… and punishes any country [that rebels against these laws] by besieging it, and then by boycotting it. By so doing, [America] seeks to impose on the world a religion that is not Allah's…"

"America, with the collaboration of the Jews, is the leader of corruption and the breakdown [of values], whether moral, ideological, political, or economic corruption. It disseminates abomination and licentiousness among the people via the cheap media and the vile curricula."

"America is the reason for all oppression, injustice, licentiousness, or suppression that is the Muslims' lot. It stands behind all the disasters that were caused and are still being caused to the Muslims; it is immersed in the blood of Muslims and cannot hide this."

"For 50 years in Palestine, the Jews - with the blessing and support of the Americans - carried out abominations of murder, suppression, abuse, and exile… The Jews exiled nearly 5 million Palestinians and killed nearly 260,000. They wounded nearly 180,000, and crippled nearly 160,000."

"Due to the American bombings and siege of Iraq, more than 1,200,000 Muslims were killed in the past decade. Due to the siege, over a million children are killed [annually] - that is 83,333 children on average per month, 2,777 children on average per day. 5,000 Iraqis were killed in one day in the Al-'Amiriya shelter alone. Are these statistics of military installations???!!!!"

"In its war against the Taliban and Al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan, America has killed 12,000 Afghan civilians and 350 Arab Jihad fighters, among them women and children. It annihilated entire families from among the Arab Jihad fighters while they were in their cars, when the American Air Force bombed [them] with helicopters and anti-tank missiles, until nothing remained of some of them except scattered body parts."

"In Somalia, America killed 13,000 Somalis and [its soldiers] carried out acts of abomination on [Somali] boys and women."

Muslims Have Suffered from the U.S.'s Standing with Christians
"America's standing with the Christians of the world against the Muslims has stripped the camouflage from its face. Much can be said about this regarding the Sudan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Kashmir, Macedonia, Bosnia, and other tragedies. America's siege on the Islamic countries as punishment for their rebellion against its laws has transgressed all limits, and Muslims have suffered economic losses that outstrip the imagination."

"After all this, is it forbidden for a victim to escape when he is tied and brought to the slaughterhouse?!! Is he not entitled, while he is being slaughtered, to stamp his feet?!!..."

"After all this, some [Arab regimes] shed crocodile tears for what happened to the country of heresy [America], and tried to exonerate Islam from what happened to [America] and asked the country of heresy to treat the Muslims sensitively and gently, and sent messengers and broadcasters to the Jihad fighters with a request to stop fighting Hubal [i.e. meaning the U.S.]. Do they really think we would do this?!"

"No, by Allah. They [the Arab regimes] have turned their back on us and we have turned our back on them… We would have no honor if we did not avenge the blood of our brothers in Palestine, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and everywhere."

"… The banner is being waved openly, and now there is 'only a trench of belief' and 'a trench of heresy.'"

Part III: The Islamic Justification for Al-Qa'ida's Jihad Against the U.S.
"The religious arguments on which we base ourselves in our Jihad against the Americans - the explanations that inspire us with confidence in the triumph of our religion, our belief, and our faith - are many, and this is not the place to enumerate them, as they are included in the books of the sages."

"No one disagrees with these explanations, except he who lives [in] fear … he who asks for shelter, thinking that he has distanced himself from evil … or he who kneels as a doorman before the doors of the tyrants to gain a position, advancement, or a gift!!"

"These people have not, Allah be praised, dissuaded us, not even for a single day, from continuing in our path, from our Jihad, and from our mission. Allah willing, they will not prevent us [in the future]."

"In this article I will present one explanation that suffices [to wage] Jihad against the Americans, the Jews, and anyone who has gone in their path…"

"Allah said, 'He who attacked you, attack him as he attacked you,' and also, 'The reward of evil is a similar evil,' and also, 'When you are punished, punish as you have been punished.'"

"The words of the sages on these verses are clear: Ibn Taimiyya [in his book] Al Ikhtiyarat Wa-Al-Fatawi; Ibn Al-Qayim in I'lam Al-Muqi'in and in Al-Hashiya; Al-Qurtubi in his Tafsir, Al-Nawawi in Al-Muhazab; Al-Shukani in Nayl Al-Awtar; and others, may Allah's mercy be upon them."

"Anyone who peruses these sources reaches a single conclusion: The sages have agreed that the reciprocal punishment to which the verses referred is not limited to a specific instance. It is a valid rule for punishments for infidels, for the licentious Muslims, and for the oppressors."

Islamic Law Allows Reciprocation against the U.S.
"If by religious law it is permitted to punish a Muslim [for the crime he committed] - it is all the more permitted to punish a Harbi infidel [i.e. he who belongs to Dar Al-Harb 'the domain of disbelief'] in the same way he treated the Muslim."

"According to the numbers I noted in the previous section of the lives lost from among the Muslims because of the Americans, directly or indirectly, we still are at the beginning of the way. The Americans have still not tasted from our hands what we have tasted from theirs. The [number of] killed in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were no more than fair exchange for the ones killed in the Al-'Amiriya shelter in Iraq, and are but a tiny part of the exchange for those killed in Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, the Philippines, Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya, and Afghanistan."

We Have the Right to Kill 4 Million Americans
"We have not reached parity with them. We have the right to kill 4 million Americans - 2 million of them children - and to exile twice as many and wound and cripple hundreds of thousands. Furthermore, it is our right to fight them with chemical and biological weapons, so as to afflict them with the fatal maladies that have afflicted the Muslims because of the [Americans'] chemical and biological weapons."

"America knows only the language of force. This is the only way to stop it and make it take its hands off the Muslims and their affairs. America does not know the language of dialogue!! Or the language of peaceful coexistence!! America is kept at bay by blood alone…"


25. Oktober 2004
quelle ist das seriöse middle east media research institute

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region's media. MEMRI bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.

Founded in February 1998 to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East, MEMRI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501 (c)3 organization. MEMRI's headquarters is located in Washington, DC with branch offices in Berlin, London, and Jerusalem, where MEMRI also maintains its Media Center. MEMRI research is translated to English, German, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish, Turkish, and Russian.



1. Januar 2004
warum es überhaupt opposition gegen usrael gibt , bzw warum die nicht wirklich beliebt sind (grad in der nahostregion)aber dennoch alles machen was sie wollen , interessiert natürlich niemanden...weil sind ja nur böse terroristen die von denen bekämpft werden...


25. Oktober 2004
darum geht es hier doch gar nicht! es geht darum, dass alle nicht-muslime auf dieser welt gefährdet sind. nur weil deutschland nicht bei der irak-invasion geholfen hat, sind wir deshalb noch lange nicht sicher, obwohl das so viele menschen hier glauben.

falls du es nicht evrstanden hast übersetze ich dir den abschnitt gerne...

The Entire Earth Must Be Subjected to Islam
"How can [he] possibly [accept humiliation and inferiority] when he knows that his nation was created to stand at the center of leadership, at the center of hegemony and rule, at the center of ability and sacrifice? How can [he] possibly [accept humiliation and inferiority] when he knows that the [divine] rule is that the entire earth must be subject to the religion of Allah - not to the East, not to the West - to no ideology and to no path except for the path of Allah?…"


1. Januar 2004
"es geht darum, dass alle nicht-muslime auf dieser welt gefährdet sind"

das stimmt nicht !!! sonst würde al qaida nicht auch moslems töten

al qaida hat sowenig mit dem islam zu tun , wie die spanische inquisition mit dem christentum

es wird benutzt für politische zwecke hat mit der religion an sich nichts zu tun !!!!


25. Oktober 2004
Ismael schrieb:
"es geht darum, dass alle nicht-muslime auf dieser welt gefährdet sind"

das stimmt nicht !!! sonst würde al qaida nicht auch moslems töten


da zitiere ich wieder:

"As long as this Muslim knows and believes in these facts, he will not - even for a single moment - stop striving to achieve it, even if it costs him his soul… his time, his property, and his son, as it is said, 'Say [to the believers]: If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your wives and your kinsfolk and the worth you have acquired and the trade, the dullness of which you apprehend, and the dwellings that you fancy are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving in His cause, then wait until Allah issues His judgment. Allah guides not the disobedient people…'"

und du musst mir nicht erzählen, dass nicht alle moslems terroristen sind oder dass der koran terroristische anschläge rechtfertigt. fakt bleibt diese aussage trotzdem. und wer wurde den von den entführungsopfern getötet und wer wurde freigelassen? die türkischen und ägypthischen entführungsopfer wurden alle freigelassen...

das moslems bei den kämpfen im irak umkommen wird hingenommen, ist aber kein ziel. wenn iraker gezielt getötet werden, dann weil sie den usa direkt oder indirekt helfen.


1. Januar 2004
das problem ist vielmehr das al qaida , moslems nicht als solche sieht wenn sie nicht ihre weltanschauung haben , bzw alle als ungläubige bezeichnen die nicht in ihr konzept passen


5. August 2003
Lächerlich. Jeder kann irgend etwas im Web veröffentlichen. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit festzustellen ob das echt ist oder nicht. Diese Panikmache wegen ein paar Irren die jeden umbringen wollen der sich politisch engagieren will und das als "Islam" bezeichnen...

Auf BBC läuft gerade eine Reihe "The Power of Nightmares". Das wäre mal etwas das Du dir ansehen solltest um zu verstehen was da abläuft. Muslime in Ägypten und Algerien leiden genauso unter den irren Bombern. Es gab sogar große Proteste gegen die Anschläge im eigenen Land. Nur hörte man bei uns davon nichts.


25. Oktober 2004
lächerlich finde ich nur, dass du solch seriösen quellen anzweifelst. was ist denn das für eine aussage?

willst du etwa bezweifeln, dass Suleiman Abu Gheith der sprecher al qua`ida ist? willst du die aussagen dieses institutes als lächerlich darstellen? wer bist du, dss du dir so etwas anmaßt?!

wenn dein name nicht John Tennet ist oder August Hanning halte ich deine aussage für komplett inkompetent.


10. April 2002
hier schon gleich als präventiv-warnung: ihr wisst, was mit threads passiert, in denen man seine gute kinderstube vergisst.



6. Juni 2003
kaka schrieb:
lächerlich finde ich nur, dass du solch seriösen quellen anzweifelst. was ist denn das für eine aussage?

willst du etwa bezweifeln, dass Suleiman Abu Gheith der sprecher al qua`ida ist? willst du die aussagen dieses institutes als lächerlich darstellen? wer bist du, dss du dir so etwas anmaßt?!

wenn dein name nicht John Tennet ist oder August Hanning halte ich deine aussage für komplett inkompetent.

Lächerlich. Jeder kann irgend etwas im Web veröffentlichen. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit festzustellen ob das echt ist oder nicht.

er zweifelt nich die aussage des textes an, sondern die behauptung, dass der text aus einer seriösen quelle stammt


23. Juli 2004
Na ja, dass Al'Qaida gefährlich ist, möchte ich gar nicht anzweifeln, aber mir geht es eigentlich vielmehr um die paradoxe Entstehungsgeschichte. Al'Qaida wurde vom CIA mit aufgebaut und wird immernoch vom Geheimdienst unterstützt. Da sollte man sich in den USA wirklich nicht wundern, wenn unvorhersehbare Dinge geschehen. Leider müssen für solche "Dinge" immer sehr viele Menschen mit ihrem Leben bezahlen. Also richte deine Wut mal lieber gegen die verantwortlichen Amis und nich gegen die Muslime.


25. Oktober 2004
lol das ist wieder mal eine logik. stimmt, warum sollte man auf die arme al qua`ida brigade denn böse sein :don:

und den zusammenhang zwischen der unterstützung der al qua`ida und dem kommunismus habe ich ja auch schon eingebracht, oder?


10. April 2002
Die größere Gefahr geht sicherlich davon aus, daß allein das Wort Al-Queda inzwischen dermaßen systematisch instrumentalisiert wird, daß gewisse Leute damit Kriege gegen ganze Völker rechtfertigen. Was in Afghanistan geklappt hat, hat auch im Irak funktioniert, man mußte den Leuten eben nur ein paar "Beweise" der Verbindung des Iraks zu der Terrororganisation vorlegen.

Dieser "Kampf gegen den Terrorismus", wie er seit dem 11. September geführt wird, führt zu hundertfach, vielleicht tausendfach mehr Leid als der Terror selbst. Es fällt mir schwer, daran zu glauben, daß im Verlaufe dieses Kreuzzuges der Terror auch nur annähernd nachlassen wird, denn die Kriegsmethodik der USA treibt den radikalen Organisationen die neuen Mitglieder mit Hurra in die Arme.


24. Juni 2003
Na na na Kaka....

quelle ist das seriöse middle east media research institute

ja ja, die berühmte Seriösität....!

Werfen wir einen Blick zu den Leserbriefe, dort sind Namen wie...
-A.M. Rosenthal
- Thomas Friedman
-Professor Bernard Lewis
-Martin Peretz

..aufgeführt und zeigen uns die Zielgruppe, bzw. die gedankliche Leitkultur dieser Seite!

Zudem ist diese Seite überflüssig, da nahöstliche Mediem auch in englischer Sprache publizieren und ebenso englischsprachige Webauftritte verwalten. Was diese MEMRI hier vollzieht, ist keine 1zu1 Übersetzung der Information aus Nahost, sondern eine geleitet interpretierte Deutung mit politischer Lenkung! >>> So meine Meinung Kaka!

Nicht anders, als würde man eine Zeitung aus Israel lesen!
z.B. die hier > http://www.haaretzdaily.com/
Ist wohl einer der Originalquellen für die MEMRI!!!

Und mir persönlich ist es sch... egal, was ein Abd updt ibt Scheigh oder sonstwas von sich gibt! Er vertritt sich selber und seine Geldgeber!

Der Mariobrother ist ein Kleiner und ist nicht mehr oder weniger gefährlich, wie ein Herr Kaplan aus Köln oder ein Nazi-Hass-Prädiger aus Leipzig, oder irgendein Spagetti-Mafiosie in Unterhemd!

Kleines Gewürm, mit wenigen Fehgeleiteten Anhängern ohne globale Schlagkraft!

Die Super-Mariobrothers hingegen sitzen ganz wo anders und tragen Schlips und Kragen und eine kleine Flagge an der Brust!

Dieser Kaka-Artikel ändert meine Meinung nicht, das Israel die größte Bedrohung für den Weltfrieden ist!

Wer ernsthaft Interesse an Informationen aus Nahost hat, mit der Sicht und den Gedanken der dortigen Bürger, der sollte sich nicht auf eine Seite nach Washington verklicken, sondern direkt auf arabische Seiten..., denn die Araber können auch englisch und benötigen keine zionistischen Übersetzer!


:arrow: Gilgamesh


1. Januar 2004
" Dieser "Kampf gegen den Terrorismus", wie er seit dem 11. September geführt wird, führt zu hundertfach, vielleicht tausendfach mehr Leid als der Terror selbst. Es fällt mir schwer, daran zu glauben, daß im Verlaufe dieses Kreuzzuges der Terror auch nur annähernd nachlassen wird, denn die Kriegsmethodik der USA treibt den radikalen Organisationen die neuen Mitglieder mit Hurra in die Arme."

sowas in der art wollte ich kaka auch klarmachen ...auch im hinblick auf ungerechtigkeiten in nahost ( usrael gegen alle..wieviel resolutionen gabs gegen israel ? und wieviele davon ahben sie erfüllt ?...) und das all diese dinge leider den gegenteiligen effekt haben werden(also nicht zum frieden fürhen werden)...als es kaka haben will....oder es geht in richtung winston smith ...alles plattmachen was uns nicht passt weil wir ja die stärkeren sind...und die anderen ohnehin "nur" terroristen...


24. Juni 2003
Warum übersetzt MEMRI nicht folgenden Text aus Nah-Ost? Ist dieser Text vielleicht "unseriös"?

George Bin Laden and Usamah W. Bush: Recent Bin Laden Tape and Republican Dirty Tricks Part II: Those who have been reading me here know that I am particularly skeptical and cynical about political life. So cynical and skeptical I am, that--unlike people who are only mildly cynical and skeptical and who are drawn to conspiracy theories--I am also skeptical about conspiracy theories, unless there is a provable or convincing evidence. But the more I think and read about the recent Bin Laden tape, the more I smell a fishy conspiracy. First, I read today in the New York Times that the original tape of Bin Laden was only 5 minutes long, but just read in tomorrow's Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat that the original tape is 17 minutes long. The tape is dated last Sunday, but AlJazeera never rushes to air tapes. Another thing struck me about the tape: Bin Laden's tapes are all now produced by the Sahab Foundation (some audio-visual company linked to Al-Qa`idah), and they all are high quality in production and resolution. This was very low quality and resolution is grainy, although it was not retrieved from the internet (or "internets" as Bush calls it), but was hand delivered to AlJazeera's correspondent in Pakistan (Ahmad Zaydan) who seems close Al-Qa`idah people. And US officials are leaking to Arab and US media that they tried to pressure Qatari government to not air the tape. What! Did the US government try to pressure Fox News and ABC News to not air the constantly shown tape of a nobody terrorist (who has no leadership position anywhere and whose identity is even a mystery to the US government) and which is more horrific and gruesome than even the Bin Laden tape? And AlJazeera has only aired a few minutes of the tape (not one minute as NYTimes claims) but AlJazeera usually airs most or all of the tape in one special segment. Not this time. And the only segment airing is the one dealing with election and the Bush family and Floreeeeeeeeeeeeeeda. There is a whole section on Iraq, but AlJazeera has not aired it. And the Bin Laden's message is devoid of his typical violent and kooky religious preachment. And AlJazeera waits for weeks and months before airing tapes, and yet this time they aired it a few days before the election. Am I saying that AlJazeera (or more accurately the Qatari government) may be complicit here? You bet. Everybody noticed also that Bin Laden looked much healthier (and younger?) than the 2003 tape. Unless he has been in a bungalow in Hawaii for all this time, this is rather bizarre for somebody in hiding and constantly moving between Pakistan and Afghanistan with his dialysis machine, as the US government claims.

Aus folgendem Link, für Lesefaule, die es nicht gesehen haben..

:arrow: Gilgamesh

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