Dann gib denen mal ne Woche lang nichts zu fressenFrancis schrieb:ich weiß jedenfalls nur, dass sich hybriden/wolfshunde (schäferhund-wolf) als sehr viel menschenfreundlicher und trainierbarer erwiesen haben als "wilde" wölfe, und sie somit für filme etrc eingesetzt werden.
normalerweise sind diese wolfshunde lammfromm...
alles liebe,
The word is a contraction of the old-Saxon word wer (which means "man") and wolf -- werwolf, manwolf. A Lycanthrope, a term often used to describe werewolves, however, is someone who suffers from a mental disease and only thinks he has changed into a wolf.
The concept of werewolves, or lycanthropes, is possibly based on the myth of Lycaon. He was the king of Arcadia, and in the time of the ancient Greeks notorious for his cruelty. He tried to buy the favor of Zeus by offering him the flesh of a young child. Zeus punished him for this crime and turned him into a wolf.