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Leute, ich wusste doch, auf euch ist Verlaß! 

struppo_gong schrieb:fragts sich nur ob diese teile auf kuba heimisch sind, oder ob da gezielt ein psychologischer effekt bei den gefangenen verursacht wurde.
22 May, 2003
Can you tell me what spider this is? I have found 3 in two days. One outside and two inside my home. I live in the High Desert of Southern California, USA. Apple Valley, California. I forgot to tell you it has 10 legs.
dkR schrieb:Ordnung PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA .
blutkuss schrieb:übrigens, bis jetzt hatte ich keinen bammel vor spinnen.. bis jetzt...
die würd ich evtl. in der ritterrüstung steckend streicheln...
Angeblich sollen sie nur schmerzhaft zubeissen und ansonsten ungiftig sein (?). Auffällig ist, dass sie das Licht meiden (Nachtjäger) und bei Bedrohung schrill pfeifen.
Camel spiders
The gigantic, hairy Camel or Sun spiders (Solifugae) are quick and agile nocturnal predators, which hide beneath stones during the day.They are typical of the steppes and deserts of the south and the east of Palestine, where some species live on insects, mainly on termites, and others on grasshoppers and beetles. Their jaws are strong enough to pierce even the human epidermis, but they are not poisonous, as is generally believed. When they meet with a scorpion, - which must occur quite frequently, in nature, they immediately attack each other. The Camel Spider tries to bite off the poison-dagger at the end of the scorpion's tail and if successful he can then finish off the scorpion at his leisure, as it has become absolutely harmless. The scorpion tries to strike the camel spider, as often as possible, with its dagger. The result of the struggle is doubtful when full-grown individuals are the opponents.
The camel spiders are easily distinguished from the true spiders, because of their clearly segmented abdomen, which is never found in the true spiders. When disturbed, the camel spiders take a peculiar defensive attitude.
The common,larger species are Paragaleodes scalaris and P. judaicus, the smaller Rhagodes phalangium, R. melanus and others. They are less frequent in the Mediterranean parts of Palestine
Camel Spider.
A vicious little bug that lives in the middle eastern deserts.
Also called the Sunspider, solpugid, wind scorpion, and a host of other terrible, terrible names that do not come close to describing the pure, unadulterated evil that makes up this hell spawned beast.
The Camel Spider is the size of a dinner plate, it can run upwards of 30 miles an hour, jump several feet into the air, and shriek. Literally scream. That's not the worst part, either. The worst part comes when they catch you. (And they will catch you.)
It will jump on you and run up your back until it finds exposed flesh. If you're not wearing long pants, it'll go for your legs; otherwise it may have to go all the way up to your face. Its mouth opens four ways to become 4 very sharp fangs. It will dig into your face and rip the flesh clean off of your skull. Don't worry, its saliva will numb the wound almost instantaneously... by destroying the nerve endings. The saliva also inhibits healing- when your face grows back it'll be hideously scarred.
They're called Camel Spiders because one can kill a full grown camel if given the chance.
They look absolutely terrifying, too- in addition to the standard eight legs they've got a pair of pedipalpi (like antennae, sort of) which they hold in front of their bodies as they run. On the ends of these are a pair of suckers which they use to hold loose flesh up in order to eat it more easily.
Autor | Titel | Forum | Antworten | Datum |
D | faszinierende Spinne | Mythen und Aberglaube | 1 | |
R | die spinne aus der yucca-palme - urban legends | Printmedien/Mediendiskussion | 52 | |
E | Odessa, die Spinne | Lobbygruppen und geheime Seilschaften | 11 | |
D | Spinne-in-der-Yucca-Palme-Geschichten | Small Talk | 30 |