Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe kann man sich für 250 Mäuse, aus standard Bauteilen eine Blackbox zusammenbasteln, mit der man aus dem vorbeifahrenden Auto heraus die Ausweis/Pass RFIDs von Passanten auslesen und clonen kann.
Na ja, war ja auch irgendwie klar, was hab ich den anderes erwartet.
Kompletter Artikel: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/02/low_cost_rfid_cloner/
Na ja, war ja auch irgendwie klar, was hab ich den anderes erwartet.
"Using inexpensive off-the-shelf components, an information security expert has built a mobile platform that can clone large numbers of the unique electronic identifiers used in US passport cards and next generation drivers licenses.
The $250 proof-of-concept device - which researcher Chris Paget built in his spare time - operates out of his vehicle and contains everything needed to sniff and then clone RFID, or radio frequency identification, tags. During a recent 20-minute drive in downtown San Francisco, it successfully copied the RFID tags of two passport cards without the knowledge of their owners."
Kompletter Artikel: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/02/low_cost_rfid_cloner/