Komitee 300


25. Mai 2002
Nun, nachdem der Admin von weltverschwörung, meinen Beitrag gelöscht hat, mit der dubiosen Mitteilung es wäre verboten, will ich nun das ganze Buch mal hier reinbringen. Im übrigen betone ich dass wir, so wird es ja gerne erzählt, in einem land leben, wo jeder seine Meinung kundgeben darf. Das nur mal für den Adim, der meine Beiträge löschte.

Leider ist das Buch, Comitee der 300 auf englisch, ist aber das orginal von Dr John Coleman


Dr. John Coleman


In my career as a professional intelligence officer, I had
many occasions to access highly classified documents, but dur-
ing service as a political science officer in the field in Angola,
West Africa, I had the opportunity to view a series of top secret
classified documents which were unusually explicit. What I saw
filled me with anger and resentment and launched me on a
course from which I have not deviated, namely to uncover what
power it is that controls and manages the British and United
States governments.
I was thoroughly familiar with all of the well known secret
societies such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs
(RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilder-
bergers, Trilaterals, the Zionists, Freemasonry, Bolshevism-
Rosicrucianism and all of the spinoffs of these secret societies.
As an intelligence officer, and even before that as a young
student in the course of my studies at the British Museum in
London, I had cut my eye teeth on all of them, plus a good
number of others with whom I imagined Americans were familiar.
But when I came to the United States in 1969, I found that
names like the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Club of Rome
the German Marshall Fund, the Cini Foundation, the Round
Table, the Fabianists, the Venetian Black Nobility, the Mont
Pelerin Society, Hellfire Clubs, and many others were at best
totally unknown here, or else their true functions were at best
but poorly understood, if at all.


In 1969-1970 set about remedying the situation in a series
of monographs and cassette tapes. Much to my surprise I soon
found plenty of people willing to quote these names as if they
had known of them all of their writing careers, but who were not
in the least bit knowledgeable about the subjects, yet quite
unwilling to state the source of their lately acquired informa-
tion. I consoled myself with the thought that imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery.
I pursued my investigations, pressing on in the face of
severe risks, attacks on myself and my wife, financial losses,
continual harassment, threats and calumny, all part of a care-
fully-crafted and orchestrated program to discredit me, run by
government agents and informers, embedded in the so-called
Christian rightwing, the "Identity Movement" and rightwing
"patriotic" groups. These agents operated, and still operate,
under cover of strong and fearless outspoken opposition to
Judaism their main enemy, they would have us believe. These
agent-informers are led and controlled by a group of homosexu-
als who are well-liked and well-respected by political and reli-
gious conservatives all across the United States.
Their program of calumny, lies and hatred, disinformation
about my work, even lately attributing it to other writers, contin-
ues unabated but it has not had the desired effect. I shall carry on
with my task until I have finally ripped off the mask of the entire
secret upper-level parallel government that runs Britain and the
U.S. This book is a part of that ongoing effort.

Dr. John Coleman, November 1991






COMMITTEE OF 300 - 221


BANKS - 227





Copyright (C) 1992 by Dr. John Coleman

"Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" by
Dr. John Coleman, is reproduced here with the permission of the
publishers: America West Publishers.


Certainly a fair number of us are aware that the people
running our government are not the people who are really in
control of political and economic matters, domestic and foreign.
This has led many to seek the truth in the alternative press, those
newsletter writers who, like me, have sought, but not always
found what it is that is making the United States terminally ill.
"Seek and ye shall find" has not always been the case with this
group. What we did find was that the people walk in great
darkness, mostly not caring or bothering to find out where their
country is headed, firm in the belief that it will always be there
for them. This is the way the largest population group has been
manipulated to react, and their attitude plays right into the hands
of the secret government.
We frequently hear about "they " doing this, that or the other.
"They" seem literally to be able to get away with murder.
"They" increase taxes, send our sons and daughters to die in
wars that do not benefit our country. "They" seem above our
reach, out of sight, frustratingly nebulous when it comes to
taking action against "them." No one seems able to clearly
identify who "they" are. It is a situation that has pertained for
decades. During the course of this book, we shall identify the
mysterious "they" and then, after that, it is up to the people to
remedy their situation.
On 30th April 1981, I wrote a monograph disclosing the
existence of the Club of Rome identifying it as a Committee of


3OO subversive body. This was the first mention of both of these
organizations in the United States. I warned readers not to be
fooled by the feeling that the article was far-fetched and I drew a
parallel between my article and the warning issued by the
Bavarian government when the secret plans of the Illuminati fell
into its hands. We shall return to the Club of Rome and the role
of the Committee of 300 in U.S. affairs later herein.
Many of the predictions made in that 1981 article have since
come to pass, such as the unknown Felipe Gonzalez becoming
prime minister of Spain, and Mitterand being returned to power
in France; the downfall of Giscard D' Estang and Helmut
Schmidt, the return to power of Swedish nobleman and Com-
mittee of 300 member Olaf Palme, the nullifying of Reagan's
presidency and the destruction of our steel, auto and housing
industries in terms of the post-industrial zero-growth order
handed down by the Committee of 300.
The importance of Palme lies in the use made of him by the
Club of Rome to deliver technology to the Soviet Union on the
forbidden list of the U.S. Customs, and Palme's world-wide
communications network employed to train the spotlight on the
phony Iran hostage crisis, while he shuttled back and forth
between Washington and Teheran in an effort to undermine the
sovereign integrity of the U.S. and place the phony crisis in the
realm of a Committee of 300 institution, viz, the World Court at
The Hague, Holland.
In what is in fact an open conspiracy against God and man,
which includes enslaving the majority of humans left on this
earth after wars, plagues and mass-murder have done with them
is not well hidden. In the intelligence community, it is taught
that the best way to hide something is to place it in open view.
As an example of the foregoing, when Germany wanted to hide
its prize new Messerschmidt fighter plane in 1938, the aircraft
was put on display at the Paris Air Show. While secret agents
and spies were collecting information from hollow tree trunks
and from behind loose bricks in a wall, the information they


sought was staring them right in the face.
The upper-level parallel secret government does not operate
from dank basements and secret underground chambers. It places
itself in full view in the White House, Congress and in Number
10 Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament. It is akin to
those weird and supposedly terrifying "monster" films, where
the monster appears with distorted features, long hair and even
longer teeth, growling and slavering all over the place. This is
distraction, the REAL MONSTERS wear business suits and
drive to work on Capitol Hill in limousines.
These men are IN OPEN VIEW. These men are the servants
of the One World Government-New World Order. Like the
rapist who stops to offer his victim a friendly ride, he does not
LOOK like the monster he is. If he did, his intended victim
would run off screaming in fright. The same applies to govern-
ment at all levels. President Bush does not LOOK like a dutiful
servant of the upper-level parallel government, but make no
mistake about it, he is as much a MONSTER as are those
horrors found in horror-movies.
Stop for a moment and consider how President Bush ordered
the brutal slaying of 150,000 Iraqi troops, in a convoy of military
vehicles carrying white flags, on their way back to Iraq under
Geneva Convention rules of agreed disengagement and with-
drawal. Imagine the horror of the Iraqi troops when, in spite of
waving their white flags, they were mowed down by American
aircraft. In another part of the front, 12,000 Iraqi soldiers were
buried alive in trenches they occupied. Is that not MONSTROUS
in the truest sense of the word? From where did President Bush
get his orders to act in this MONSTROUS fashion? He got them
from the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) who
received its mandate from the Committee of 300, also known as
the "Olympians."
As we shall see, even the "Olympians" do not hide their
faces. Often times they put on a show which could be likened to
the Paris Air Show, even as conspiracy buffs spend their time in


fruitless searching in the wrong places and in the wrong direc-
tion. Note how the Queen, Elizabeth II, performs the ceremonial
opening of the British Parliament? There, in full view is the
head of the Committee of 300. Have you ever witnessed the
swearing-in ceremony of a United States President? There in
full view is another member of the Committee of 300. The
problem is only one of perception.
Who are the conspirators who serve the mighty all-powerful
Committee of 300? The better-informed of our citizens are
aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes
under various names such as the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the
Round Table, the Milner Group. To them the CFR and the
Trilaterals represent most of what they do not like in regard to
domestic and foreign policy. Some even know that the Round
Table has a big input into United States affairs through the
British ambassador in Washington. The problem is that real hard
information on the treasonous activities of members of the
invisible Government is very hard to come by.
I quote the profound statement made by the prophet Hosea,
which is found in the Christian Bible: "My people perish for lack
of knowledge." Some may already have heard my expose of the
foreign aid scandal, in which work I named several conspirato-
rial organizations, whose number is legion. Their final objective
was the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and the merging of this
country, chosen by God as HIS country, with a godless One
World-New World Order Government which will return the
world to conditions far worse than existed in the Dark Ages.
Let us talk about actual case histories, the attempt to com-
munize and deindustrialize Italy. The Committee of 300 long
ago decreed that there shall be a smaller--much smaller--and
better world, that is, their idea of what constitutes a better world.
the myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natural re-
sources were to be culled. Industrial progress supports popula-
tion growth. Therefore the command to multiply and subdue the
earth found in Genesis had to be subverted.


This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure
disintegration of industrial nation states; the destruction of hun-
dreds of millions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300
as "surplus population," and the removal of any leader who
dared to stand in the way of the Committee's global planning to
reach the foregoing objectives.
Two of the Committee's earliest targets were Italy and Paki-
stan. The late Aldo Moro, Prime Minister of Italy, was one
leader who opposed "zero growth" and population reductions
planned for his country, thereby incurring the wrath of the Club
of Rome commissioned by the "Olympians" to carry out its
policies in this regard. In a Rome courtroom on November 1Oth,
1982, a close friend of Moro's testified that the former prime
minister was threatened by an agent of the Royal Institute for
International Affairs (RIIA) who is also a Committee of 300
member while he was still the U.S. Secretary of State. The
meteoric rise of the man the witness named as Kissinger will be
dealt with later.
It will be recalled that Prime Minister Moro was kidnaped by
the Red Brigades in 1978 and subsequently brutally shot to death.
It was at the trial of members of the Red Brigades that several of
them testified to the fact that they knew of high-level U.S.
involvement in the plot to kill Moro. When threatening Moro,
Kissinger was obviously not carrying out U.S. foreign policy, but
rather acting according to instructions received from the Club of
Rome, the foreign-policy arm of the Committee of 3OO.
The witness who delivered the bombshell in open court was
a close associate of Moro's, Gorrado Guerzoni. His explosive
testimony was broadcast over Italian television and radio on
November lOth, 1982, and printed in several Italian newspa-
pers yet this vital information was suppressed in the U.S.
Those famous bastions of freedom with a compelling right to
know, the Washington Post and the New York Times, did not
think it important to even print a single line of Guerzoni's


Nor was the news carried by any of the wire services or
television stations. The fact that Italy's Aldo Moro had been a
leading politician for decades, and who was kidnaped in broad
daylight in the spring of 1978, all of his bodyguards butchered
in cold blood, was not deemed newsworthy, even though
Kissinger stood accused as an accomplice to these crimes? Or
was the silence BECAUSE of Kissinger's involvement?
In my 1982 expose of this heinous crime, I demonstrated
that Aldo Moro, a loyal member of the Christian Democrat
Party, was murdered by assassins controlled by P2 Masonry
with the object of bringing Italy into line with Club of Rome
orders to deindustrialize the country and considerably reduce its
population. Moro's plans to stabilize Italy through full employ-
ment and industrial and political peace would have strengthened
Catholic opposition to Communism and made the destabilization
of the Middle East--a prime goal--that much harder.
From the foregoing it becomes clear just how far ahead the
conspirators plan. They do not think in terms of a Five Year
Plan. One needs to go back to Weishaupt's statements about the
early Catholic Church to understand what was involved in the
murder of Aldo Moro. Moro's death removed the roadblocks to
the plans to destabilize Italy, and as we now know, enabled
conspiracy plans for the Middle East to be carried out in the
Gulf War 14 years later.
Italy was chosen as a test-target by the Committee of 300.
Italy is important to the conspirators' plans because it is the
closest European country to the Middle East linked to Middle
East economics and politics. It is also the home of the Catholic
Church, which Weishaupt ordered destroyed, and home for
some of Europe's most powerful top oligarchical families of the
ancient Black Nobility. Should Italy have been weakened by
Moro's death, it would have had repercussions in the Middle
East which would have weakened U.S. influence in the region.
Italy is important for another reason; it is a gateway for drugs
entering Europe from Iran and Lebanon, and we shall return to


that subject in due course.
Various groups had combined under the name of socialism
to bring about the downfall of several Italian governments since
the Club of Rome was established in 1968. Among these are the
Black Nobility of Venice and Genoa, P2 Masonry and the Red
Brigades, all working for the same goals. Police investigators in
Rome working on the Red Brigades-Aldo Moro case came
across the names of several very prominent Italian families
working closely with this terrorist group. The police also dis-
covered evidence that in at least a dozen cases, these powerful
and prominent families had allowed their homes and/or property
to be used as safe houses for Red Brigades cells.
America's "nobility" were doing their share to destroy the
Republic of Italy, a notable contribution having come from
Richard Gardner even while in his official capacity as President
Carter's ambassador to Rome. At that time Gardner was operat-
ing under the direct control of Bettino Craxi, an important
member of the Club of Rome and a key man in NATO. Craxi
was the leading edge of the conspirators' attempts to destroy the
Italian Republic. As we shall see, Craxi was almost successful
in ruining Italy, and as the conspirators hierarchy's leading
player, was able to get divorce and abortion pushed through the
Italian Parliament, resulting in the most far-reaching and de-
structive religious and social changes ever to strike at the Catholic
Church, and consequently, the morals of the Italian nation.
After President Ronald Reagan was elected, an important
meeting was held in Washington D.C. in December 1980 under
the auspices of the Club of Rome and the Socialist International.
Both these organizations are directly responsible to the Com-
mittee of 300. The main agenda was to formulate ways and
means of how to neutralize the Reagan presidency. A group plan
was adopted and, as we look back, it is perfectly clear that the
plan the conspirators agreed to follow has been very successful.
In order to get an idea of how vast and how all-pervasive is
this conspiracy, it would be appropriate at this point to name the


goals set by the Committee of 300 for the pending conquest and
control of the world. There are at least 40 known "branch
offices" of the Committee of 300, and we shall be listing them
all, together with a description of their functions. Once this is
studied it becomes easy to understand how one central con-
spiratorial body is able to operate so successfully and why it is
that no power on earth can withstand their onslaught against the
very foundations of a civilized, progressive world, based on
freedom of the individual, especially as it is declared in the
United States Constitution.
Thanks to the sworn testimony of Guerzoni, Italy and Eu-
rope but not the U.S. learned that Kissinger was behind the
death of Aldo Moro. This tragic affair demonstrates the ability of
the Committee of 300 to impose its will upon any government
without exception. Secure in his position as a member of the
most powerful secret society in the world, and I am not talking
about Freemasonry, Kissinger not only terrified Moro, but carried
through on his threats to "eliminate" Moro if he did not give up
his plan to bring economic and industrial progress to Italy.
In June and July of 1982, the wife of Aldo Moro testified in
open court that her husband's murder came about as a result of
serious threats against his life, made by what she called "a high
ranking United States political figure." Mrs. Eleanora Moro
repeated the precise phrase reportedly used by Kissinger in the
sworn testimony of Guerzoni: "Either you stop your political
line or you will pay dearly for it." Recalled by the judge,
Guerzoni was asked if he could identify the person Mrs. Moro
was talking about. Guerzoni replied that it was indeed Henry
Kissinger as he had previously intimated.
Guerzoni went on to explain to the court that Kissinger had
made his threats in Moro's hotel room during the Italian leaders
official visit to the U.S. Moro--then Prime Minister and Foreign
Minister of Italy, a NATO member-country--was a man of high
rank, one who should never have been subjected to Mafia-like
pressures and threats. Moro was accompanied on his American


visit by the President of Italy in his official capacity. Kissinger
was then, and still is, an important agent in the service of the
Royal Institute for International Affairs, a member of the Club
of Rome and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Kissinger's role in destabilizing the United States by means
of three wars, the Middle East, Korea and Vietnam, is well
known, as is his role in the Gulf War, in which the U.S. Army
acted as mercenaries for the Committee of 300 in bringing
Kuwait back under its control and at the same time making an
example out of Iraq so that other small nations would not be
tempted to work out their own destiny.
Kissinger also threatened the late Ali Bhutto, President of
the sovereign nation of Pakistan. Bhutto's "crime" was that he
favored nuclear weapons for his country. As a Moslem state,
Pakistan felt threatened by continued Israeli aggression in the
Middle East. Bhutto was judicially murdered in 1979 by the
Council on Foreign Relations representative in the country
General Zia ul Haq.
In his planned ascent to power, ul Haq encouraged a frenzied
mob to set fire to the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad in an apparent
attempt to show the CFR that he was his own man and to secure
more foreign aid and, it was later learned, to murder Richard
Helms. Several years later, ul Haq paid with his life for interven-
ing in the war raging in Afghanistan. His C-130 Hercules aircraft
was hit by an E.L.F. (electricallow frequency) shot shortly after
it took off, causing the aircraft to loop into the ground.
The Club of Rome, acting on Committee of 300 orders to
eliminate General ul Haq, had no compunction in sacrificing the
lives of a number of U.S. servicemen on board the flight,
including a U.S. Army Defense Intelligence Agency group headed
by Brigadier General Herber Wassom. General ul Haq had been
warned by the Turkish Secret Service not to travel by plane, as
he was targeted for a mid-air bombing. With this in mind, ul Haq
took the United States team with him as "an insurance policy,"
as he commented to his inner circle advisors.


In my 1989 work "Terror' in the Skies," I gave the following
account of what happened: "Shortly before ul Haq's C-130 took
off from a Pakistan military base, a suspicious looking truck
was seen close to the hangar that had housed the C-130. The
control tower warned base security, but by the time action was
taken, the C-130 was already airborne and the truck had gone. A
few minutes later the plane began looping-the-loop until it hit
the ground and exploded in a ball of fire. There is no explanation
for such behavior by the C-130, an aircraft with a marvelously
reliable record, and a joint Pakistani-United States board of
enquiry Found no pilot error or mechanical or structural failure.
Looping-the-loop is a recognized trade mark of an aircraft hit by
E.L.F. fire.
That the Soviet Union has been able to develop high-peak
radio frequency devices is known to the West through the work
of Soviet scientists who work in the Kurchatov Atomic Energy
Institute's Intensive Relatavistic Electron Beam Division. Two
of its specialists were Y. A. Vinograov and A. A. Rukhadze.
Both scientists worked in the Lededev Physics Institute, which
specializes in electronic and X ray lasers.
After receiving this information, I searched for confirmation
from other sources and found that in England the International
journal of Electronics had published some material which ap-
peared to confirm the information given to me about the method
chosen to shoot down General ul Haq's C-130. In addition, the
information was confirmed by two of my intelligence sources. I
received some useful information from a Soviet scientific paper
on these subjects, published in England under the title "Soviet
Radio Electronics and Communications Systems." There was
no doubt in my mind that General ul Haq had been murdered.
The truck seen near the C-130 hanger undoubtedly carried a
mobile E.L.F. device of the type the Soviet Armed Forces are
known to possess.
According to written testimony by Bhutto, smuggled out of
the country while he was in prison, Kissinger severely threatened


him: "I will make a horrible example if you continue with your
nation-building policies." Bhutto had fallen afoul of Kissinger
and the Club of Rome by calling for a nuclear energy program to
bring Pakistan into a modern industrialized state which, in the
eyes of the Committee of 300, was a direct contravention of its
orders delivered by Kissinger to the Pakistani government. What
Kissinger was doing when he threatened Bhutto was not official
U.S. policy, but the policy of the modern-day Illuminati.
One needs to have a clear understanding of just why it is that
nuclear power is so hated all over the world, and why the fake
"environmentalist" movement, established and financially sup-
ported by the Club of Rome, was called upon to wage war on
nuclear energy. With nuclear energy generating electricity in
cheap and abundant supplies, Third World countries would
gradually become independent of U.S. foreign aid and begin to
assert their sovereignty. Nuclear generated electricity is THE
key to bringing Third World countries out of their backward
state, a state which the Committee of 300 has ordered to remain
in position.
Less foreign aid means less control of a country's natural
resources by the I.M.F. It was this idea of developing nations
taking charge of their destiny that was an anathema to the Club
of Rome and its ruling Committee of 300. We have seen oppo-
sition to nuclear power in the United States successfully used to
block industrial development in conformity with the Club's
"Post-Industrial Zero-Growth" plans.
Dependence upon U.S. foreign aid actually keeps foreign
countries in servitude to the Council on Foreign Relations. The
people of the recipient countries receive very little of the money
as it usually ends up in the pockets of government leaders who
allow the natural raw material assets of the country to be savagely
stripped by the I.M.F. Mugabe of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia,
is a good example of how raw material assets, in this case high
grade chrome ore, is controlled through foreign aid. LONRHO,
the giant conglomerate run by Angus Ogilvie, an important


member of the Committee of 300, on behalf of his cousin,
Queen Elizabeth II, now has total control of this valuable resource
while the people of the country sink ever deeper into poverty
and misery, notwithstanding a hand-out of in excess of $300
million from the United States.
LONRHO now has a monopoly of Rhodesian chrome and
charges any price it likes, whereas, under the Smith government
this was not allowed. A reasonable price level was maintained
for twenty-five years prior to the Mugabe regime taking power.
While there were problems during the 14-year rule of Ian Smith,
since his departure unemployment has quadrupled and Zimbabwe
is in a state of chaos and de facto bankruptcy. Mugabe received
enough foreign aid from the U.S. (in the region of $300 million
per annum) to enable him to build three hotels on the French
Cote d'Azur, Cap Ferat and Monte Carlo, while his citizens
grapple with disease, unemployment and malnutrition, not to
mention an iron-fisted dictatorship that allows no complaints.
Contrast this with the Smith government which never asked for
nor received one red cent in aid from the United States. Thus it
is clear that foreign aid is a powerful means of exercising
control of countries such as Zimbabwe and indeed all African
It also keeps U.S. citizens in a state of involuntary servitude
and therefore less able to mount meaningful opposition to gov-
ernment. David Rockefeller knew what he was doing when his
foreign aid bill became law in 1946. It has, since then, become
one of the most hated laws on the statute books following public
exposure of what it is a racket run by government and paid for
by we, the people.
How can the conspirators maintain their grip upon the world,
and more especially, their chokehold over the U.S. and Britain?
One of the most asked questions is, "How can any single entity
know at all times what is going on and how is control exercised?"
This book will attempt to answer these and other questions. The
only way we can come to grips with the reality of the conspirator's


success is by mentioning and discussing the secret societies,
front organizations, government agencies, banks, insurance
companies, international businesses, the petroleum industry and
the hundreds of thousands of entities and foundations whose
leading lights make up the membership of the Committee of
300--the ULTIMATE controlling body that runs the world and
has done so for at least a hundred years.
Since there already are scores of books on the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilaterals, we shall go directly
to the Club of Rome and the German Marshall Fund. When I
introduced these organizations to the United States, few, if any,
had heard of them. My first work, "The Club of Rome," published
in 1983 attracted almost no attention. Many uninitiated people
thought the Club of Rome was something to do with the Catholic
Church and that the German Marshall Fund referred to the
Marshal Plan.
This is precisely why the Committee chose these names, to
confuse and to deflect attention away from what was happening.
Not that the U.S. government didn't know, but as it was part of
the conspiracy, it helped to keep the lid on information rather
than let the truth be known. A few years after I published my
work, a few writers saw in it a wealth of hitherto untapped
information and began writing and talking about it as though
they had always had full knowledge of it.
It came as a revelation to them that the Club of Rome and its
financiers under the title of the German Marshall Fund were two
highly-organized conspiratorial bodies operating under cover of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and that the
majority of Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO.
The Club of Rome formulated all of what NATO claimed as its
policies and, through the activities of Committee of 300 member
Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions, a
political (left wing) power group and its former military alliance.
The Club of Rome is still one of the most important foreign
policy arms of the Committee of 300--the other being the


Bilderbergers. It was put together in 1968 from hard-core mem-
bers of the original Morgenthau group on the basis of a telephone
call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive
to speed up the plans of the One World Government--now
called the New World Order, although I prefer the former name.
It is certainly a better job-description than the New World
Order, which is somewhat confusing as there have been several
"New World Orders" before, but no One World Government.
Peccei's call was answered by the most subversive "future
planners" drawn from the United States, France, Sweden, Brit-
ain, Switzerland and Japan that could be mustered. During the
period 1968-1972, The Club of Rome became a cohesive entity
of new-science scientists, globalists, future planners and inter-
nationalists of every stripe. As one delegate put it, "We became
Joseph's Coat of Many Colors." Peccei's book "Human Qual-
ity" formed the basis of the doctrine adopted by NATO's political
The following is extracted from Dr. Peccei's book, "Human

"For the first time since the first millennium was ap-
proached in Christendom, large masses of people are
really in suspense about the impending advent of some-
thing unknown which could change their collective fate
entirely.... Man does not know how to be a truly modern
man.... Man invented the story of the Bad Dragon, but if
ever there was a bad dragon, IT IS MAN HIMSELF....
Here we have the human paradox: man trapped by his
extraordinary capacity and achievements, as in a quick-
sand--the more he uses his power the more he needs it.

"We must never tire of repeating how foolish it is to
equate the present profound pathological state and mal-
adjustment of the entire human system to any cyclic
crisis or passing circumstances. Since man has opened


Pandora's Box of new technologies, he has suffered
uncontrolled human proliferation, the mania for growth,
energy crises, actual or potential resource scarcities,
degradation of environment, nuclear folly and a host of
related afflictions."

This is identical to the program adopted by the much later
fake "environmentalist" movement spawned by the same Club
of Rome to blunt and turn back industrial development.
Broadly, the anticipated counter-program of the Club of
Rome would cover inventing and disseminating "post industri-
alization" ideas in the United States, coupled with the spread of
counterculture movements such as drugs, rock, sex, hedonism,
Satanism, witchcraft and "environmentalism." Tavistock Institute,
Stanford Research Institute and the Institute for Social Relations,
in fact the entire wide spectrum of research organizations in
applied social psychiatry either had delegates on the board of
the Club of Rome, or acted as advisors and played a guiding role
in NATO's attempt to adopt the "Aquarian Conspiracy."
The name, New World Order, is seen as something devel-
oped as a consequence of the Gulf War in 1991, whereas the
One World Government is recognized as being centuries old.
The New World Order is not new, it has been around and
developing under one or another guise for a very long time but it
is perceived as a DEVELOPMENT OF THE FUTURE, which
is not the case; the New World Order is PAST AND PRESENT.
That is why I said earlier that the term One World Government
is, or ought to be, preferred. Aurellio Peccei once confided in his
close friend Alexander Haig that he felt like "Adam Weishaupt
reincarnated." Peccei had much of Weishaupt's brilliant ability
to organize and control the Illuminati of today, and it showed
through in Peccei's control of NATO and formulating its policies
on a global scale.
Peccei headed the Atlantic Institute's Economic Council for
three decades while he was the Chief Executive Officer for


Giovanni Agnellis' Fiat Motor Company. Agnelli, a member of
an ancient Italian Black Nobility family of the same name, is
one of the most important members of the Committee of 300.
He played a leading role in development projects in the Soviet
The Club of Rome is a conspiratorial umbrella organization,
a marriage between Anglo-American financiers and the old
Black Nobility families of Europe, particularly the so-called
"nobility" of London, Venice and Genoa. The key to the suc-
cessful control of the world is their ability to create and manage
savage economic recessions and eventual depressions. The
Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale,
followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger
things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of
people all over the world who will become its "welfare" recipients
of the future.
The committee appears to base much of its important deci-
sions affecting mankind on the philosophy of Polish aristocrat,
Felix Dzerzinski, who regarded mankind as being slightly above
the level of cattle. As a close friend of British intelligence agent
Sydney Reilly (Reilly was actually Dzerzinski's controller dur-
ing the Bolshevik Revolution's formative years), he often con-
fided in Reilly during his drinking bouts. Dzerzinski was, of
course, the beast who ran the Red Terror apparatus. He once told
Reilly, while the two were on a drinking binge, that "Man is of
no importance. Look at what happens when you starve him. He
begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive. Man is only
interested in his own survival. That is all that counts. All the
Spinoza stuff is a lot of rubbish."
The Club of Rome has its own private intelligence agency
and also "borrows" from David Rockefeller's INTERPOL. Ev-
ery U.S. intelligence agency cooperates very closely with it, as
does the KGB and the Mossad. The only agency that remained
beyond its reach was the East-German intelligence service. the
STASSY. The Club of Rome also has its own highly organized


political and economic agencies. It was they who told President
Reagan to retain the services of Paul Volcker, yet another im-
portant Committee of 300 member. Volcker stayed on as Federal
Reserve Board chairman, notwithstanding the faithful promise
of candidate Reagan that he would dismiss him as soon as he,
Reagan, was elected.
The Club of Rome, after playing a key role in the Cuban
Missile Crisis, attempted to sell its "crisis management" (the
forerunner of FEMA) program to President Kennedy. Several
Tavistock scientists went to see the President to explain what it
meant, but the President rejected the advice they gave. The same
year that Kennedy was murdered, Tavistock was back in Wash-
ington to talk with NASA. This time the talks were successful.
Tavistock was given a contract by NASA to evaluate the effect
of its coming space program on American public opinion.
The contract was farmed to the Stanford Research Institute
and the Rand Corporation. Much of the material produced by
Tavistock, Stanford and Rand never saw the light of day and
remains sealed until now. Several Senate oversight committees
and sub-committees I approached to obtain information told me
they had "never heard of it," nor did they have the slightest idea
where I might find what I was seeking. Such is the power and
prestige of the Committee of 300.
In 1966 I was advised by my intelligence colleagues to
approach Dr. Anatol Rappaport who had written a treatise in
which the administration was said to be interested. It was a
paper intended to bring an end to NASA's space program, which
Rapport said had outlived its usefulness. Rappaport was quite
happy to give me a copy of his paper which, without going into
fine detail, basically claimed that NASA's space program should
be scrapped. NASA has too many scientists who were exerting a
bad influence on America because they were always eager to
lecture schools and university audiences on how rocketry worked,
from construction to propulsion. Rappaport claimed that this
would produce a generation of adults who would decide to


become space scientists, only to find themselves "redundant" as
no one would need their services by the year 2000.
No sooner had Rappaport's profiling report on NASA been
presented to NATO by the Club of Rome, than the Committee of
300 demanded action. NATO-Club of Rome officials charged
with urgent anti-NASA action were Harland Cleveland, Joseph
Slater, Claiborne K. Pell, Walter J. Levy, George McGhee,
William Watts, Robert Strausz-Hupe (U.S. ambassador to NATO)
and Donald Lesh. In May 1967 a meeting was organized by the
Scientific and Technological Committee of the North Atlantic
Assembly and the Foreign Policy Research Institute. It was
called "Conference on Transatlantic Imbalance and Collabora-
tion" and it was held at Queen Elizabeth's palatial property in
Deauville, France.
The basic purpose and intent of the conference at Deauville
was to end U.S. technological and industrial progress. Out of the
conference came two books, one of which is mentioned herein,
Brzezinski's "Technotronic Era." The other was written by
conference chairman, Aurellio Peccei, entitled "The Chasm
Ahead." Peccei largely agreed with Brzezinski, but added that
there world be chaos in a future world NOT RULED BY A
ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. In this regard, Peccei insisted
that the Soviet Union must be offered "a convergence with
NATO," such a convergence ending in an equal partnership in a
New World Order with the United States. Both nations would be
responsible for future "crisis management and global planning."
The first Club of Rome's "global planning contract" went to the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the premier
Committee of 300's research institutes. Jay Forrestor and Den-
nis Meadows were placed in charge of the project.
What was their report all about? It did not differ fundamen-
tally from what Malthus and Von Hayek preached, namely the
old question of not enough natural resources to go around. The
Forrestor-Meadows Report was a complete fraud. What it did
not say was that man's proven inventive genius would in all


likelihood work its way around "shortages." Fusion energy, the
DEADLY enemy of the Committee of 300, could be applied to
CREATING natural resources. A fusion torch could produce
from one square mile of ordinary rock enough aluminum, for
example, to fill our needs for 4 years.
Peccei never tired of preaching against the nation-state an
how destructive they are for the progress of mankind. He called
for "collective responsibility." Nationalism was a cancer on
man was the theme of several important speeches delivered by
Peccei. His close friend Ervin Lazlo produced a work in 1977 in
a similar vein which was called "Goals of Mankind," a landmark
study for the Club of Rome. The entire position paper was a
vitriolic attack on industrial expansion and urban growth.
Throughout these years, Kissinger, as the designated contact
man, kept in close touch with Moscow on behalf of the RIIA.
"Global modeling" papers were regularly shared with Kissinger's
friends in the Kremlin.
With regard to the Third World, the Club of Rome's Harland
Cleveland prepared a report which was the height of cynicism.
At the time, Cleveland was United States Ambassador to NATO.
Essentially, the paper said it would be up to Third World nations
to decide among themselves which populations should be
eliminated. As Peccei later wrote (based on the Cleveland Re-
port): "Damaged by conflicting policies of three major countries
and blocs, roughly patched up here and there, the existing
international economic order is visibly coming apart at the
seams....The prospect of the necessity of the recourse to triage--
deciding who must be saved--is a very grim one indeed. But, if
lamentably, events should come to such a pass, the right to make
such decisions cannot be left to just a few nations because it
would lend themselves to ominous power over life of the world's
In this is found the committee policy of deliberately starving
African nations to death, as evidenced in the sub-Sahara na-
tions. This was cynicism at its worst, because the Committee of


300 had already abrogated the decisions of life and death unto
itself, and Peccei knew it. He had previously so indicated in his
book "Limits of Growth." Peccei completely dismissed industrial
and agricultural progress and in its place demanded that the
world come under one coordinating council, to whit, the Club of
Rome and its NATO institutions, in a One World Government.
Natural resources would have to be allocated under the
auspices of global planning. Nation states could either accept
Club of Rome domination or else survive by the law of the
jungle and fight to survive. In its first "test case," Meadows and
Forrestor planned the 1973 Arab-Israeli War on behalf of the
RIIA to sharply bring home to the world that natural resources
like petroleum would in the future come under global planners
control, meaning of course, under the control of the Committee
of 300.
Tavistock Institute called for a consultation with Peccei to
which McGeorge Bundy, Homer Perlmutter and Dr. Alexander
King were invited. From London Peccei traveled to the White
House where he met with the President and his cabinet, Followed
by a visit to the State Department where he conferred with the
Secretary of State, the State Department's intelligence service
and State's Policy Planning Council. Thus, from the very be-
ginning, the United States government was fully aware of the
Committee of 300's plans for this country. That should answer
the often asked question, "Why would our government allow
the Club of Rome to operate in a subversive manner in the
United States?"
Volcker's economic and monetary policies were a reflection
of those of Sir Geoffrey Howe, Chancellor of the exchequer and
member of the Committee of 300. This serves to illustrate how
Britain has controlled the United States, beginning from soon
after the War of 1812, and continues to exercise control over this
country through the policies of the Committee of 300.

<<<<< cont in Committee of 300 - part 2 >>>>>

<*> Don Allen <*> 1:363/81.1 - Fidonet #1 - Homebody BBS
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From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: FILE: Committee of 300 - Part 2
Message-ID: <1992Nov15.194248.26541@bilver.uucp>
Date: 15 Nov 92 19:42:48 GMT
Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL
Lines: 1059

----Committee of 300 - Part 2 ----------------------------------------

What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of
Illuminism (Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius,


the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism? This elite group that
also calls itself the OLYMPIANS (they truly believe they are
equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus,
who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above our true
God) absolutely believe they have been charged with imple-
menting the following by divine right:
(1) A One World Government-New World Order with a
unified church and monetary system under their direc-
tion. Not many people are aware that the One World
Government began setting up its "church" in the 1920's/
1930's, for they realized the need for a religious belief
inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore,
set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the
direction they desired.
(2) The utter destruction of all national identity and national
(3) The destruction of religion and more especially the
Christian religion, with the one exception, their own
creation mentioned above.
(4) Control of each and every person through means of
mind control and what Brzezinski call "technotronics"
which would create human-like robots and a system of
terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski's Red Terror will
look like children at play.
(5) An end to all industrialization and the production of
nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the
post-industrial zero-growth society." Exempted are the
computer and service industries. United States indus-
tries that remain will be exported to countries such as
Mexico where abundant slave labor is available.
Unemployables in the wake of industrial destruction
will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts,
or become statistics in the elimination process we know
today as Global 2000.
(6) Legalization of drugs and pornography.


(7) Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run
carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is
interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were
drawn up here in the United States by one of the Club
of Rome's research foundations. It is also interesting
that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the
Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.
(8) Suppression of all scientific development except for
those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially
targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Par-
ticularly hated are the fusion experiments presently
being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its
jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch
would blow the Committee's conception of "limited
natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion
torch properly used could create unlimited untappeed
natural resources from the most ordinary substances.
Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind
in a manner which is as yet not even remotely com-
prehended by the public.
(9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced coun-
tries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third
World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the
year 2000, people they call "useless eaters." The
Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write
a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such
genocide. The paper was produced under the title the
"Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved
for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the
U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie,
then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global
2000 Report, the population of the United States is to
be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.
(10)To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demor-
alize workers in the labor class by creating mass unem-


ployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial
zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome,
demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to
alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be en-
couraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel
against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually
destroying the family unit. In this regard The Commit-
tee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare
a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock
directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under
the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work
later became known as "The Aquarian Conspiracy."
(11) To keep people everywhere from deciding their own
destinies by means of one created crisis after another
and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and
demoralize the population to the extent where faced
with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will
result. In the case of the United States, an agency for
crisis management is already in place. It is called the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
whose existence I first disclosed in 1980. There will be
more on FEMA as we proceed.
(12) To introduce new cults and continue to boost those
already functioning which includes rock "music"
gangsters such as the filthy, degenerate Mick Jagger's
"Rolling Stones" (a gangster group much favored by
European Black Nobility) and all of the Tavistock-
created "rock" groups which began with "The Beatles."
To continue to build up the cult of Christian funda-
mentalism begun by the British East India Company's
servant, Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the
Zionist state of Israel through identifying with the Jews
through the myth of "God's Chosen People" and by
donating very substantial amounts of money to what
they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the


furtherance of Christianity.
(14) To press for the spread of religious cults such as the
Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem fundamentalism, the
Sikhs, and to carry out experiments of the Jim Jones
and "Son of Sam" type of murders. It is worth noting
that the late Ayatollah Khomeini was a creation of
British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6,
commonly known as M16, as I reported in my 1985
work, "What Really Happened In Iran."
(15) To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world
so as to undermine all existing religions but more
especially the Christian religion. This began with "Je-
suit Liberation Theology" which brought about the
downfall of the Somoza family rule in Nicaragua and
which is today destroying EI Salvador, now 25 years
into a "civil war," Costa Rica and Honduras. One very
active entity engaged in so-called liberation theology is
the Communist oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This
accounts for the extensive media attention to the mur-
der of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in EI Salva-
dor a few years ago.
The four nuns were Communist subversive agents
and their activities were widely documented by the
government of EI Salvador. The United States press
and news media refused to give any space or coverage
to the mass of documentation in possession of the
Salvadorian government, documentation which proves
what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the
country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries,
and played a leading role in bringing Communism to
Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa.
(16) To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and
engender total political chaos.
(17) To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of
the United States.


(18) To give the fullest support to supranational institutions
such as the United Nations (UN), the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International
Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as pos-
sible, make local institutions of lesser effect by gradu-
ally phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle
of the United Nations.
(19) Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from
within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations
represented by them.
(20) Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negoti-
ate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take
place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who
persuaded the Italian and U.S. governments to negoti-
ate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister
Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, General Dozier
is under orders not to talk about what happened to him.
Should he break that silence, he will no doubt be made
"a horrible example of" in the manner in which
Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and Gen-
eral Zia ul Haq.
(21) Take control of education in America with the intent
and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.
Much of these goals, which I first enumerated in 1969, have
since been achieved or are well on their way to being achieved.
Of special interest in the Committee of 300 program is the core
of their economic policy, which is largely based on the teach-
ings of Malthus, the son of an English country parson who was
pushed to prominence by the British East India Company upon
which the Committee of 300 is modeled.
Malthus maintained that man's progress is tied to the earth's
natural ability to support a given number of people, beyond
which point earth's limited resources would rapidly be depleted.
Once these natural resources have been consumed, it will be
impossible to replace them. Hence, Malthus observed, it is


necessary to limit populations within the boundaries of decreas-
ing natural resources. It goes without saying that the elite will
not allow themselves to be threatened by a burgeoning popula-
tion of "useless eaters," hence culling must be practiced. As I
have previously stated, "culling" is going on today, using the
methods mandated in the "Global 2000 Report."
All economic plans of the Committee meet at the crossroads
of Malthus and Frederick Von Hayek, another doom and gloom
economist who is sponsored by the Club of Rome. The Austrian
born Von Hayek has long been under the control of David
Rockefeller, and Von Hayek theories are fairly widely accepted
in the United States. According to Von Hayek, the United States
economic platform must be based on (a) Urban Black Markets
(b) Small Hong Kong-type industries utilizing sweat-shop labor
(c) The Tourist Trade, (d) Free Enterprise Zones where specula-
tors can operate unhindered and where the drug trade can flourish
(e) End of all industrial activity and (f) Close down all nuclear
energy plants.
Von Hayek's ideas dove-tail perfectly with those of the Club
of Rome, which is perhaps why he is so well promoted in
rightwing circles in this country. The mantle of Von Hayek is
being passed to a new, younger economist, Jeoffrey Sachs, who
was sent to Poland to take up where Von Hayek left off. It will
he recalled that the Club of Rome organized the Polish eco-
nomic crisis which led to political destabilization of the country.
The exact same economic planning, if one dare call it that, will
be forced upon Russia, but if widespread opposition is encoun-
tered, the old price-support system will quickly be restored.
The Committee of 300 ordered the Club of Rome to use
Polish nationalism as a tool to destroy the Catholic Church and
pave the way for Russian troops to reoccupy the country. The
"Solidarity" movement was a creation of the Committee of
300's Zbigniew Brzezinski, who chose the name for the "trade
union" and selected its office holders and organizers. Solidarity
is no "labor" movement, although Gdansk shipyard workers


were used to launch it, but rather, it was a high-profile POLIT-
CAL organization, created to bring forced changes in prepara-
tion for the advent of the One World Government.
Most of Solidarity's leaders were descendants of Bolshevik
Jews from Odessa and were not noted for hating Communism.
This helps to understand the saturation coverage provided by
the American news media. Professor Sachs has taken the pro-
cess a step further, ensuring economic slavery for a Poland
recently freed from the domination of the USSR. Poland will
now become the economic slave of the United States. All that
has happened is that the master has changed.
Brzezinski is the author of a book that should have been read
by every American interested in the future of this country.
Entitled "The Technotronic Era," it was commissioned by the
Club of Rome. The book is an open announcement of the
manner and methods to be used to control the United States in
the future. It also gave notice of cloning and "robotoids," i.e.
people who acted like people and who seemed to be people, but
who were not. Brzezinski, speaking for the Committee of 300
said the United States was moving "into an era unlike any of its
predecessors; we were moving toward a technotronic era that
could easily become a dictatorship." I reported fully on "the
Technotronic Era" in 1981 and mentioned it in my newsletters a
number of times.
Brzezinski went on to say that our society "is now in an
information revolution based on amusement focus, spectator
spectacles (saturation coverage by television of sporting events)
which provide an opiate for an increasingly purposeless mass."
Was Brzezinski another seer and a prophet? Could he see into
the future? The answer is NO; what he wrote in his book was
simply copied from the Committee of 300's blueprint given to
the Club of Rome for execution. Isn't it true that by 1991 we
already have a purposeless mass of citizens? We could say that
30 million unemployed and 4 million homeless people are a
"purposeless mass," or at least the nucleus of one.


In addition to religion, "the opiate of the masses" which
Lenin and Marx acknowledged was needed, we now have the
opiates of mass spectator sport, unbridled sexual lusts, rock
music and a whole new generation of drug addicts. Mindless sex
and an epidemic of drug usage was created to distract people
from what is happening all around them. In "The Technotronic
Era" Brzezinski talks about "the masses" as if people are some
inanimate object--which is possibly how we are viewed by the
Committee of 300. He continually refers to the necessity of
controlling us "masses."
At one point, he lets the cat out of the bag:
"At the same time the capacity to assert social and political
control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be
possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen
and to maintain up-to-date files, containing even the most per-
sonal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen
in addition to the more customary data.
"These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the
authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who
control information. Our existing institutions will be supplanted
by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be
to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop pro-
grams to cope with them. (This describes the structure of FEMA
which came much later. )
"This will encourage tendencies through the next several
leaving even less room for political procedures as we know
them. Finally, looking ahead to the end of the century, the
Brzezinski was not writing as a private citizen but as Carter's
National Security Advisor and a leading member of the Club of


Rome and a member of the Committee of 300, a member of the
CFR and as a member of the old Polish Black Nobility. His book
explains how America must leave its industrial base behind and
enter into what he called "a distinct new historical era."
"What makes America unique is its willingness to experience
the future, be it pop-art or LSD. Today, America is the creative
society, the others, consciously or unconsciously, are emulative.
What he should have said was that America is the proving
ground for Committee of 300 policies which lead directly to a
dissolution of the old order and an entry into the O


12. Mai 2002
Das Kommitee der 300......

Die 500 reichsten Menschen gehören dazu ;-)

Und wer Geld hat Macht oder?

Wer regiert denn Deutschland?Ich glaube die die Geld haben,konzerne etc aber nicht die Politik ;-)

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