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- 17. April 2002
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- 591
Israelische Beamten und Experten sagen voraus, dass nach den Anschlägen in Istanbul als nächstes Anschläge in Europa stattfinden werden!
Aha! Also werden Al-Qaida Europa angreifen, weil wir Amerika nicht genug helfen???
Findet Ihr das logisch?
Und wenn es tatsächlich zu den von Israel angekündigten Anschlägen in Europa kommen sollte (so wie Paul Wolfowitz der Türkei Terroranschläge angekündigt hatte), wer steckt dann wirklich dahinter?
Israelische Beamten und Experten sagen voraus, dass nach den Anschlägen in Istanbul als nächstes Anschläge in Europa stattfinden werden!
Israel predicts Europe next in line after Istanbul bombings
21 November 2003
In the wake of the devastating bombings against British interests in Istanbul, Israeli officials and experts predicted Friday that the next target of global terrorism would be Europe.
"The Europeans are not really aware of the seriousness of this phenomenon of international terrorism, which has not hit them yet," Israeli government spokesman Avi Pazner told AFP.
"The risk is closing down on them and the free world must unite to stop this tidal wave of blind violence which has already struck America, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Tunisia, Morocco and Saudi Arabia," he said.
According to an Israeli intelligence source, Turkey was targeted "because it is on the threshold of Europe, because of its secular and pro-Western regime and because it is seeking to join the European Union."
"Choosing Turkey as a target for terrorist attacks, and hitting Jewish or Western interests is tantamount to warning Europe it is next on the list," Pazner said.
Israeli newspapers warned against European apathy.
"This war of the worlds is now underway. But not everyone in the West understands yet that they could be the next stop. Sleeper cells such as the ones that operated in Turkey are spread throughout the countries of Western Europe," the Yediot Aharonot said.
"I call on the international community to pull together and step up its efforts to prevent despicable terrorist acts such as this," he said.
The Israeli daily Maariv blamed the West's failure in the battle against Osama bin Laden's network on several factors, including "the lack of coordination between the American intelligence agencies and their counterparts in Europe because of the rivalry between the two continents."
It also pointed to "the unwillingness of countries throughout the world to stand alongside the United States in the war on terror, at least not until they get hit."
Aha! Also werden Al-Qaida Europa angreifen, weil wir Amerika nicht genug helfen???
Findet Ihr das logisch?
Und wenn es tatsächlich zu den von Israel angekündigten Anschlägen in Europa kommen sollte (so wie Paul Wolfowitz der Türkei Terroranschläge angekündigt hatte), wer steckt dann wirklich dahinter?