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- #301
Diskordias Legionär schrieb:Auch wenn ich´s teilweise ... zu heftig finde...trotzdem geile Mucke...mit nem guten Touch Wahrheit...
wasn das? sieht interessant aus.
Diskordias Legionär schrieb:Auch wenn ich´s teilweise ... zu heftig finde...trotzdem geile Mucke...mit nem guten Touch Wahrheit...
Stammt von http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Way-It-Is-lyrics-Vegan-Reich/D74CD8082C7C4EC548256E020005DD6DVegan Reich schrieb:Fuck you, shut your fucking mouth. We didn't ask for your opinion. We're telling you the way it is so sit back and listen. Your position is irrelevant to this situation, it's black and white, you're wrong we're right, and you'd better come to that realization. Because it's murder plain and simple, no justification for the taking of a life without provocation. You'd be guilty of crimes in courts through out the nation; if your victim was human you could face execution. Laid down in stone there can be no other definition. Meat and dairy production is torturing, is killing, for no purpose for your ego for the taste their blood you're spilling. Belsen, Auchwitz, Dachau the similarity is frightening. A master race mentality of liberty for those with superiority. Your moral civilized society is built on brutality and cruelty. Where normality is insanity and sanity extreme ideology. Like the resistance to Nazi Germany, we don't obey laws of barbarity. So expect no fucking mercy if you're guilty you will pay. No chances to discuss it you're gonna fucking hang. Terrorists and hooligans? Just you fucking wait! If that's the image you create of us you ain't seen nothing yet. What did you think this was a college debate? This is war so stay the fuck out of the way we're coming through that door. And once we free those enslaved we'll even up the score. Guilty of murder you'll face the new law!
Diskordias Legionär schrieb:Das ist Vegan Reich - Jihad. Vegan sXe Band...wie gesagt, etwas extrem: vergleich von Tierverarbeitenden Industrie mit KZs, forderung zum militanten Vorgehen gegen Tierquäler/Mörder...ProLife...etc. Naja...aber die Essenz fnde ich ok
Und dann heißt es, Fleisch essen mache aggressiv...Diskordias Legionär schrieb:Hehe..dachte ich mir fast
Dachte, en Textausschnitt wäre mal hilfreich, um die Band einordnen zu können:
Stammt von http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Way-It-Is-lyrics-Vegan-Reich/D74CD8082C7C4EC548256E020005DD6DVegan Reich schrieb:Fuck you, shut your fucking mouth. We didn't ask for your opinion. We're telling you the way it is so sit back and listen. Your position is irrelevant to this situation, it's black and white, you're wrong we're right, and you'd better come to that realization. Because it's murder plain and simple, no justification for the taking of a life without provocation. You'd be guilty of crimes in courts through out the nation; if your victim was human you could face execution. Laid down in stone there can be no other definition. Meat and dairy production is torturing, is killing, for no purpose for your ego for the taste their blood you're spilling. Belsen, Auchwitz, Dachau the similarity is frightening. A master race mentality of liberty for those with superiority. Your moral civilized society is built on brutality and cruelty. Where normality is insanity and sanity extreme ideology. Like the resistance to Nazi Germany, we don't obey laws of barbarity. So expect no fucking mercy if you're guilty you will pay. No chances to discuss it you're gonna fucking hang. Terrorists and hooligans? Just you fucking wait! If that's the image you create of us you ain't seen nothing yet. What did you think this was a college debate? This is war so stay the fuck out of the way we're coming through that door. And once we free those enslaved we'll even up the score. Guilty of murder you'll face the new law!
EVO schrieb:Und dann heißt es, Fleisch essen mache aggressiv.
Diskordias Legionär schrieb:Earth Crisis is "UrHardcore"...
Diskordias_Legionär schrieb:Minor Threat sind klar DIE Hardcore und gleich die begründer des sXe...aber EarthCrisis finde ich persönlich, ist der Hardcore, der weg vom Punk ist...MT zB sind sehr Punkig...also rückwirkend betrachtet. Aber Du hast schon recht. Zu Cola: Ian (MT Sänger) hat damals nix von Koffein gesagt...das Zeuch macht einem auch nicht dir Birne kautt und führt zu Schlägerein oder macht einen zum Deppe...wie andere Sachen. BÜÜÜDDDE BÜÜÜÜDDDDE erzähl deine Geschichte zu EarthCrisis.
PS: natürlich ist sXe heute oft nur Modedingens und daheim wird gesoffen etc..aber so ist es heute mit allen SubKulturen, oder nicht? 1 2 X U
Sxer (sorry an die Ehrlichen unter euch, aber ihr seht das wahrscheinlich ähnlich) sehen heute auch fast alle gleich aus, Metallgesicht, Etnies, Carhart, Baseballcap, schwarz gefärbte Haare und affige Amitattoos, wenn man sichs leisten kann
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