Hey Mann Don - ich wollte grad einen mühsam recherchierten Text posten, schwupps war der Thread "Die AOL Verschwörung" schon gesperrt, obwohl er dies noch nicht war, als ich den Antwort-Button klickte.
Klar sind die Zahlen-Spielchen lächerlich. Aber was solls. ISt das nicht eine Überreaktion? Jedenfalls hier mein Bericht über Colin Powell und seine Rolle bei der AOL und die Rolle seines Sohnes bei der Fusions-Kontrollbehörde, als AOL mit TimeWarner fusionierte.
@Shiva2012 - ist das die echte CD ?!?
The Bush Administration
Colin Powell
Corporate Connections:
America Online; Time Warner; Gulfstream Aerospace; General Dynamics
As a civilian, Colin Powell served on two corporate boards: Gulfstream Aerospace and America Online. Gulfstream Aerospace makes specialty jets for Hollywood movie stars and for foreign governments, like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia—two countries Powell got to know well in his role as chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Gulf War. The company was bought out by defense contractor General Dynamics in 1999. The former general also earned a nice windfall when AOL finally merged with Time Warner earlier this year. His stock in the company reportedly increased in value by $4 million. Powell’s son, Michael, was the only commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission who advocated letting the AOL-Time Warner deal go through without scrutiny. President Bush recently named Michael Powell chairman of the FCC. The agency will soon consider whether to allow AOL to keep its monopoly on the "instant messaging" technology it developed for the Internet.
Klar sind die Zahlen-Spielchen lächerlich. Aber was solls. ISt das nicht eine Überreaktion? Jedenfalls hier mein Bericht über Colin Powell und seine Rolle bei der AOL und die Rolle seines Sohnes bei der Fusions-Kontrollbehörde, als AOL mit TimeWarner fusionierte.
@Shiva2012 - ist das die echte CD ?!?
The Bush Administration
Colin Powell
Corporate Connections:
America Online; Time Warner; Gulfstream Aerospace; General Dynamics
As a civilian, Colin Powell served on two corporate boards: Gulfstream Aerospace and America Online. Gulfstream Aerospace makes specialty jets for Hollywood movie stars and for foreign governments, like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia—two countries Powell got to know well in his role as chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Gulf War. The company was bought out by defense contractor General Dynamics in 1999. The former general also earned a nice windfall when AOL finally merged with Time Warner earlier this year. His stock in the company reportedly increased in value by $4 million. Powell’s son, Michael, was the only commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission who advocated letting the AOL-Time Warner deal go through without scrutiny. President Bush recently named Michael Powell chairman of the FCC. The agency will soon consider whether to allow AOL to keep its monopoly on the "instant messaging" technology it developed for the Internet.