8 Ball


22. Dezember 2004
Muahaha, lustiger Thread, besonders für "Esoterik"! :p

Ein Eightball ist ein kleines Kügelchen aus Koks (kein Crack), das 3,5 gramm wiegt. Das enstpricht nämlich ungefähr einer Achtel-Unze (Unze = 28,8g). Ausserdem ist die Anspielung auf die schwarze Acht vom Billard ziemlich deutlich, oder? Wenn die rein geht, ist das Spiel aus.

Ausserdem gibts da ja dann auch noch die Guten Eightball & MJG, die an Old-School-Rappern aus dem Süden ziemlich weit vorne sind.

Und Dennis Leary fällt mir noch dazu ein:

That was the worst part about the coke, man, was being in that bathroom with that stranger at the end of the night. Wasn't it, huh? Talking about shit like solving the world's problems and the only reason you're in there is because he has the coke. That should have been a fucking sign, don't ya think? I mean if Hitler had coke, there'd be Jews in the bathroom going, "I know you didn't do it. *snort* I like your mustache. *snort* Fucking Himmler. *snort*"

Ok. Yeah. Mmm. We used to do eight balls. Oh those were fun, weren't they? Nothing like getting a bunch of coke! Right? That was usually, like, eight balls were usually like four guys on a Friday night. One guy at 8-o'clock goes, "Hey man. Let's get an eight ball! It'll last us all weekend!" Four hours later the same four guys, "Let's get another eight ball! *frantically* Let's get another one! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!"
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