Dieser Typ, der sich selbst "Voice of the white House" nennt, ist ein Mitarbeiter, der seine direkten Eindrücke über die US-Regierung und Ihre dubiosen Mafiamethoden unter diesem namen an die öffentlichkeit weitergibt, man kann da zwar drüber denken, was man will, aber er scheint kein Wichtigtuer zu sein und so manches, was er veröffentlicht hat, traf dann auch zu...im Übrigen hat er auch veröffentlicht, das GeorgieBoy unter dem Einfluss von irgendwelchen Psychopillen steht und höchst obskure "lebensberater" hat - die Gang die dahintersteckt ( Wolfowitz,Cheney,Rumsfeld ) lassen ihn in dem Glauben, er wäre Gottes Werkzeug, solange das Spiel halt in dem Sinne läuft, wie es geplant war.
Parallelen zu Hitlers Glauben er wäre "von der Vorsehung des Allmächtigen auserkoren, die Juden als Jesus - Mörder auszurotten" kommen unweigerlich in den Sinn...
- Hier jedenfalls, was der Herr Bush nun alles im Sinn hat : Syrien und Iran plattmachen, letzteres zusammen mit Israel, Irakische "Rebellen" beseitigen, damit man endlich an das heissbegehrte Öl kommt ( die bösen Rebellen verhindern nämlich den Abbau noch...) tja und überhaupt muss man sich noch mehr Sorgen um GWBs geisteszustand machen, hält er sich doch allen ernstes für "von Gott auserwählt" (!) die Welt in den Frieden zu führen, zur Not halt mit Bomben, und alles böse muss da natürlich weg, namentlich Moslems,"Neger","Schwule",Wehrdienstverweigerer, Sozialhilfeempfänger,.. und halt alles was nicht in die biblische neue US Welt passt, die Bush vom Herrn persönlich diktiert bekommt.
Mir wird immer schlechter...
Now, to other matters. There will be an “expansion” of the military, believe it. Congress will be loathe to pass a universal draft but the machinery is now in place for a “specialized, emergency draft” that will go after: Medical people like young doctors and nurses and MTAs and most especially anyone between 18 to 34 who is a computer engineer. And you can put money on that one, believe me. Bush will expand into Syria because they do not have the Bomb but Iran is still at the top of the list of “Evil People” to remove from the earth. The plans to hit that country are still very much alive and they are waiting for the inevitable terrorist attack here in the US to blame Iran and attack it. Just like Iraq, it doesn’t matter whether Iran was behind this certain attack, or attacks, Bush will get Goss to submit the usual faked CIA papers and then they and Israel will smash Iran flat. As a lesson, to help Sharon and to get at the oil. And speaking of oil, the stories that Iraqi oil is flowing into American gas tanks is pure crap. The Iraqi resistance fighters have so trashed the oil industry there that the Bush people, who so innocently thought they and their oil company friends would be rolling in easily-concealed wealth from the stealing and selling of captured Iraqi oil, are really SOL. I don’t like to sound like a classical Marxist but it isn’t love but it is money that makes the world go around. China and Japan need oil badly. They are buying it from Russia and Iran. They are buying more and more of it. The Russians and Iranians would much rather sell their oil to the Chinese and the Japanese than to the Americans whom they fear and loathe. Chavez does not like us and oil is not flowing from Venezuela.
Look at the situation this way: the Jesus Freaks elected Bush because they trusted he would deliver on his “Moral Issues.” What will they do when gas gets to $3-4 per gallon and their beloved son, husband or father comes back to the local funeral home in bits and pieces? They will view themselves as betrayed and like women, hell hath no fury like a voter scorned. And here is some news for everyone. There will be major Congressional elections in two years! No Congressman wants to get away from the easy money pubic hog trough and if the redneck Mafia starts screeching about their marriage with the Fuehrer going sour, guess who will make a show, and probably an effective show, of supporting their very own voters against some of the certain- to- come Bush fascistic nonsense. Again, kids, remember Nixon. And the Bible was right: Pride does go before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. More next week. And I think you are right to double your output.”
See our Inside the White House archive:
Parallelen zu Hitlers Glauben er wäre "von der Vorsehung des Allmächtigen auserkoren, die Juden als Jesus - Mörder auszurotten" kommen unweigerlich in den Sinn...
- Hier jedenfalls, was der Herr Bush nun alles im Sinn hat : Syrien und Iran plattmachen, letzteres zusammen mit Israel, Irakische "Rebellen" beseitigen, damit man endlich an das heissbegehrte Öl kommt ( die bösen Rebellen verhindern nämlich den Abbau noch...) tja und überhaupt muss man sich noch mehr Sorgen um GWBs geisteszustand machen, hält er sich doch allen ernstes für "von Gott auserwählt" (!) die Welt in den Frieden zu führen, zur Not halt mit Bomben, und alles böse muss da natürlich weg, namentlich Moslems,"Neger","Schwule",Wehrdienstverweigerer, Sozialhilfeempfänger,.. und halt alles was nicht in die biblische neue US Welt passt, die Bush vom Herrn persönlich diktiert bekommt.
Mir wird immer schlechter...
Now, to other matters. There will be an “expansion” of the military, believe it. Congress will be loathe to pass a universal draft but the machinery is now in place for a “specialized, emergency draft” that will go after: Medical people like young doctors and nurses and MTAs and most especially anyone between 18 to 34 who is a computer engineer. And you can put money on that one, believe me. Bush will expand into Syria because they do not have the Bomb but Iran is still at the top of the list of “Evil People” to remove from the earth. The plans to hit that country are still very much alive and they are waiting for the inevitable terrorist attack here in the US to blame Iran and attack it. Just like Iraq, it doesn’t matter whether Iran was behind this certain attack, or attacks, Bush will get Goss to submit the usual faked CIA papers and then they and Israel will smash Iran flat. As a lesson, to help Sharon and to get at the oil. And speaking of oil, the stories that Iraqi oil is flowing into American gas tanks is pure crap. The Iraqi resistance fighters have so trashed the oil industry there that the Bush people, who so innocently thought they and their oil company friends would be rolling in easily-concealed wealth from the stealing and selling of captured Iraqi oil, are really SOL. I don’t like to sound like a classical Marxist but it isn’t love but it is money that makes the world go around. China and Japan need oil badly. They are buying it from Russia and Iran. They are buying more and more of it. The Russians and Iranians would much rather sell their oil to the Chinese and the Japanese than to the Americans whom they fear and loathe. Chavez does not like us and oil is not flowing from Venezuela.
Look at the situation this way: the Jesus Freaks elected Bush because they trusted he would deliver on his “Moral Issues.” What will they do when gas gets to $3-4 per gallon and their beloved son, husband or father comes back to the local funeral home in bits and pieces? They will view themselves as betrayed and like women, hell hath no fury like a voter scorned. And here is some news for everyone. There will be major Congressional elections in two years! No Congressman wants to get away from the easy money pubic hog trough and if the redneck Mafia starts screeching about their marriage with the Fuehrer going sour, guess who will make a show, and probably an effective show, of supporting their very own voters against some of the certain- to- come Bush fascistic nonsense. Again, kids, remember Nixon. And the Bible was right: Pride does go before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. More next week. And I think you are right to double your output.”
See our Inside the White House archive: